Monday, July 14, 2008

Live CD From Your In Installation / Running System - Ubuntu - Hard Way

Transforming your Installation into a Live DVD/CD

José Oliveira: I tested this tutorial on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron using the method without using de debootstrap, and it worked like a charm, my only work was copying the commands from tutorial and paste them in the bash shell :).

This HOWTO is about making a live CD/DVD from the main system on your hard drive. This might be desired if you have customized your system and want to have it on CD.

Another approach that will be discussed here is building your live CD/DVD from scratch. This will be done by building a new system using debootstrap. This is usefull if you want to build a clean live CD, or if you want to build a minimal rescue cd. (Consult Appendix.2 for more details about building a CD from scratch).

The live CD is usually created with a filesystem called squashfs. Squashfs is read only compressed filesystem that allow us to squeeze our system into a single CD. Note that your system has to be about 2GB (this might need some trial an error) to produce a compressed image that fits on the CD.

Background on live CD/DVD

Note: This section is a clarification of how live CD works. You don't have to read it. You can skip it if you want.

A live CD/DVD is basically a normal linux installation just like an ordinary harddrive installation. However, simply copying the harddirve installation over to a CD/DVD is not enough to produce a working system. Why? because there are still minor differences between a live CD/DVD and on ordinary harddrive installation. So in addition to copying our harddirve installation to the CD/DVD we must address those differences as well.

So what are these differences?
  1. The CD or DVD is read only media. Linux needs to have write access to certain parts of the system to be able to operate properly (like "/dev" "/proc" "/var" "/tmp"). There are a lot of approaches to address this problem. All of which utilize the system RAM. Some of these approaches enable write access only to essential directories and files, and hence, they do not allow the user to modify the system or install new packages while in the live CD. Other approaches, like unionfs which is what is used in this guide, allows the user to write to any part of the system. This is done by merging part of the RAM with the read-only filesystem of the live CD/DVD and making the look like one filesystem that have read-write access. Unionfs has to be mounted at boot in a certain manner.

  2. With the harddrive installation the location of the root filesystem is fixed. So it is passed to the kernel at boot time using the root=/dev/... parameter. With a live CD/DVD, the location of the root device is not fixed as the user might have multiple cdrom drives, these drives can be ide, scsi ... etc. So for the root filesystem to be mounted, there must be a way to identify the root device, and then we have to load the suitable kernel modules (to be able to access the cdrom controller as well as the CD filesystem). All this has to be done even before we have a root filesystem mounted.

  3. To fit on a CD, the filesystem is usually compressed using squashfs. So we need to autodetect the filesystem type. We also need to have the proper modules for mounting it.

These considerations require special preparation at boot time, some of which must be performed even before mounting the actual filesystem. How can we do this?

Linux introduced a mechanism that allow for such preparations at boot time before the actual root filesystem is mounted. It is called the initial root filesystem or initramfs. This mechanism is used also in mounting normal harddirve installations, as it adds flexibilty to the boot process.

initramfs is virtual filesystem. It is a compressed cpio (cpio is an archive format similar to tar) archive that contains a minimal shell, kernel modules necessary for mounting the root filesystem and number of scripts that perform some tasks at boot time. The most important of these scripts is a script called init located at the root of the initramfs.

How does initramfs work?

The boot loader loads both the kernel and the initramfs into memory and starts the kernel. The kernel then unpacks the initramfs and mount it as initial root filesystem, and then looks for the init program within the initial filesystem, and once it finds it, it executes it and hand the boot process over to it. This init scirpt is responsible for finding the real root filesystem and mounting it. It is also responsible for any special preparations required at boot time.

So any special operations required for booting the system from live media can be coded into the initramfs boot scripts.

How is initramfs is created?

We do not have to create initramfs manually (although it can be done). There are tools for creating and updating initramfs like the command update-initramfs. Moreover, these tools can include custom scripts into the initramfs if they are placed in a certain preset locations (/usr/share/initramfs/scripts). So all we have to do is dump our custom scripts (which will do all the required preparation for booting the live CD/DVD) into these preset locations, and then create a custom initramfs by running update-initramfs.

We don't even have to write these scripts. Why? becuase there are packages that have scripts tailored for booting form live CDs. One of these packages is called casper (this is the package used in this howto). By installing casper into the system, it places the scripts in there proper locations (where they can be spotted by update-initrfamfs). The only thing we need to do after installing casper is running update-initramfs to create an initramfs suitable for live CD/DVD.

The live CD/DVD structure:

The directory tree of the live CD/DVD we are going to create is going to look like this:


| |-------filesystem.${FORMAT}
| |-------filesystem.manifest
| |-------filesystem.manifest-desktop
| |--------+grub
| | |--------menu.lst
| | |--------stage2_eltorito
| |
| |-------vmlinuz
| |-------initrd.gz
| |-------memtest86+

  • /casper/filesystem.${FORMAT}: This is the container of the linux filesystem we are going to copy from our harddisk. It is usually a compressed filesystem like squahsfs.
  • /casper/filesystem.manifest: This file is optional. You only need it if you decide to include the Ubuntu installer in the CD. The purpose of this file will be explained later.
  • /casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop: This file is optional. You only need it if you decide to include the Ubuntu installer in the CD. The purpose of this file will be explained later.
  • /boot/grub/menu.lst: File containing boot options for the live CD/DVD.
  • /boot/grub/stage2_eltorito: The boot loader of the CD. (stage2 of grub).
  • /boot/vmlinuz: The linux kernel. This is copied form the linux filesystem.
  • /boot/initrd.gz: the initramfs that contain the customizations necessary for the live CD/DVD.
  • /boot/memtest86+: Optional file used to test the RAM of the machine form the live CD/DVD.
  • /md5sum.txt: Optional file containing checksums for all the files in the CD.

What you need:
  • A working Debian or Ubuntu machine with internet access.
  • CD/DVD Writer.
  • Enough space in your harddirve. At least two times as much space as your installation size.

Outline of the steps:

A. Prepare Our work environment.

B. Copy the Source system to the target directory.
Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: This step and replaced with the instructions listed here.

C. Chroot into the new system and make some modifications.

D. Prepare The CD directory tree.

E. Build the CD/DVD

Appendix 1. Adapting this guide to Debian.
Appendix 2. Building the live media form scratch using Debootstrap.

Conventions used in this HOWTO:
  • Text highlighted in Magenta is meant to be replaced by the user's custom value.
  • Commands performed within a chroot will be in Blue.
  • Optional arguments or steps will be highlighted in Gray.
  • Special notes and instructions for people building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap are highlighted in Green
  • I will use gedit as my default text editor. Replace gedit with your favorite text editor.

A. Preparing the environment

1. Set some variables


export WORK=~/work
export CD=~/cd
export FORMAT=squashfs
export FS_DIR=casper

The WORK Directory is where our temporary files and mount point will reside.
The CD is the location of the CD tree.
FORMAT is the filesystem type. We you are going to use a compressed squashfs
FS_DIR is the location of the actual filesystem image within the cd tree.

Replace only the values highlighted in Magenta.

2. Create the CD and the WORK directory structure:


sudo mkdir -p ${CD}/{${FS_DIR},boot/grub} ${WORK}/rootfs

3. Install some packages on your current system:


sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install mkisofs grub squashfs-tools linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r) qemu

qemu is optional. It is only needed for testing the cd before burning it. It can be substituted with any other virtualization software like virtualbox.

linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r) is only needed for Ubuntu Gutsy and later. If using an Ubuntu version prior to Gutsy omit this package as it is part of the main kerenl package.

B. Copy your installation into the new filesystem.

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: skip this step and replace it with the instructions listed here.


sudo rsync -av --one-file-system --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/dev/*\
--exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/home/*\
--exclude=/lost+found / ${WORK}/rootfs

Note: rsync is used instead of cp to take advantage of the --one-file-system and the --exclude options.

If you have a separate boot partition you will have to copy it using the following command:


sudo cp -av /boot/* ${WORK}/rootfs/boot

(Optional) Copy settings in your home dir:

If you want to preseve your user account settings which are stored in your home directory, you can copy them to ${WORK}/rootfs/etc/skel/.

But first we have to define what files we want to copy. For example I am using xcfe4 as my DE, and it stores all it settings in a directory called .config in my home directory, so I am going to add .config to the variable $CONFIG:


CONFIG='.config .bashrc'

Now, Copy the CONFIG files using the following command:


cd ~ && for i in $CONFIG
sudo cp -rpv --parents $i ${WORK}/rootfs/etc/skel

C. Chroot into the new system and modify it:

1. Chroot into the copied system after mounting proc and dev:

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: skip this step.


sudo mount -o bind /dev/ ${WORK}/rootfs/dev


sudo mount -t proc proc ${WORK}/rootfs/proc


sudo chroot ${WORK}/rootfs /bin/bash

N.B: All commands in Blue are done within a chroot.

Now you are within chroot environment, type the following command:



Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: Resume the steps of the guide here.

2. Install Packages Essential for live CD:


apt-get update


apt-get install casper discover1 xresprobe

casper contain the live scirpts.
discover1 & xresprobe are used for autodetectin hardware at startup.

3. (Optional) If you want your live cd to have an installer, install the Ubuntu installer:


apt-get install ubiquity

Note: People using kde replace replace the previous command with


apt-get install ubiquity ubiquity-frontend-kde

Credit for this goes note to Fragadelic author of remastersys. Remastersys.

(Optional Step)Install any packages you want to be in the CD. Some of the following packages are useful in emergency situations:


sudo apt-get install gparted ms-sys testdisk wipe partimage xfsprogs reiserfsprogs jfsutils ntfs-3g ntfsprogs dosfstools mtools

gparted: patitioning tool. It is automatically installed as a dependecy of ubiquity.
ms-sys: writing a Microsoft compatible boot record (MBR).
testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool.
wipe: Secure file deletion.
partimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file (like norton ghost).
xfsprogs reiserfsprogs jfsutils: Tools for handling different filesystems.
mtools: Tools for manipulating MSDOS files

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: Additional step right here. Look in appendix.2 for details.

4. Update the initramfs:

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: Commands in this step are to be modified. Look in appendix.2 for details.

First update modules.dep:


depmod -a $(uname -r)


update-initramfs -u -k $(uname -r)

As already metioned above, the initramfs is reponsible for much of the preparation required at the boot time of the CD/DVD. The updated initramfs now contain the live scirpts installed with casper.

5. Delete these files.


for i in "/etc/hosts /etc/hostname /etc/resolv.conf /etc/timezone /etc/fstab /etc/mtab /etc/shadow /etc/shadow- /etc/gshadow /etc/gshadow- /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/"
rm $i
done 2>/dev/null

These files are not needed in the CD/DVD. some of them are could interfer with the CD/DVD boot process. (e.g. shadow and gdm.conf-custom can interfere with autologin).

6. Clean apt cache


apt-get clean

7. Clean some dirs and files:


rm -r /tmp/* /root/* 2>/dev/null


rm /boot/*.bak 2>/dev/null

8. Remove non system users

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: skip this step.


for i in `cat /etc/passwd | awk -F":" '{print $1}'`
uid=`cat /etc/passwd | grep "^${i}:" | awk -F":" '{print $3}'`
[ "$uid" -gt "999" -a "$uid" -ne "65534" ] && userdel --force ${i} 2>/dev/null

Non-system users are users created by you that have user id more than 999.

9. Clean the chroot environment form unnecessary files:

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: skip this step.


find /var/run /var/log /var/mail /var/spool /var/lock /var/backups /var/tmp -type f -exec rm {} \;

10. If you are using GDM recreate it's config file:

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: skip this step.


[ -f "/etc/gdm/factory-gdm.conf" ] && cp -f /etc/gdm/factory-gdm.conf /etc/gdm/gdm.conf 2>/dev/null

Sometimes a customized /etc/gdm/gdm.conf can interfere with the live CD/DVD autologin.

11. Create some files in /var/log:

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: skip this step.


for i in dpkg.log lastlog mail.log syslog auth.log daemon.log faillog lpr.log mail.warn user.log boot debug mail.err messages wtmp bootstrap.log dmesg kern.log
touch /var/log/${i}

Most of these files are log files that have been cleaned in step 7. We created an empty files in their place to prevent the system from complaining at boot.

12. Exit chroot



D. Prepare The CD directory tree:

1. Copy the kernel, the updated initrd and memtest prepared in the chroot:

Note: People building a live CD/DVD from scratch using debootstrap: Commands in this step are to be modified. Look in appendix.2 for details.


sudo cp -vp ${WORK}/rootfs/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) ${CD}/boot/vmlinuz


sudo cp -vp ${WORK}/rootfs/boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) ${CD}/boot/initrd.gz


sudo cp -vp ${WORK}/rootfs/boot/memtest86+.bin ${CD}/boot

2. Generate manifest:

Note: This step is only needed if you installed the Ubuntu installer ubiquity. This step generates two files (filesystem.manifest & filesystem.manifest-desktop).


sudo chroot ${WORK}/rootfs dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package} ${Version}\n' | sudo tee ${CD}/${FS_DIR}/filesystem.manifest


sudo cp -v ${CD}/${FS_DIR}/filesystem.manifest{,-desktop}


REMOVE='ubiquity casper user-setup discover1 xresprobe os-prober libdebian-installer4'


for i in $REMOVE
sudo sed -i "/${i}/d" ${CD}/${FS_DIR}/filesystem.manifest-desktop

These two files are used by the ubiquity installer when installing to harddisk. These two files are just lists of packages. Ubiquity compares these two files and removes packages unique to filesystem.manifest. This way when installing to harddisk, packages like casper which is only useful in a live CD/DVD are removed. These packages that will be removed at install are defined in the variable $REMOVE

3. Unmount bind mounted dirs:


sudo umount ${WORK}/rootfs/proc


sudo umount ${WORK}/rootfs/sys


sudo umount ${WORK}/rootfs/dev

4. Convert the directory tree into a squashfs:


sudo mksquashfs ${WORK}/rootfs ${CD}/${FS_DIR}/filesystem.${FORMAT}

Note: Make sure the resulting file size can fit into your live media.

Note: Compression might incur a slight performace penalty. If you are using DVD and your overall system size is less than 4GB you don't have to use compression, instead you can use squashfs without compression by adding the -noI -noD -noF switches to mksquashfs.

5. Make Grub the bootloader of the CD

Copy grub file:


sudo find /boot /usr/lib/grub/ -iname 'stage2_eltorito' -exec cp -v {} ${CD}/boot/grub \;

Make the menu.lst


sudo gedit ${CD}/boot/grub/menu.lst

Copy the following text into it and save it.


# By default, boot the first entry.
default 0

# Boot automatically after 30 secs.
timeout 30

color cyan/blue white/blue

title Start Linux in Graphical Mode
kernel /boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.gz

title Start Linux in Safe Graphical Mode
kernel /boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper xforcevesa rw quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.gz

title Start Linux in Text Mode
kernel /boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent textonly rw quiet
initrd /boot/initrd.gz

title Start Presistent Live CD
kernel /boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper persistent rw quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.gz

title Start Linux Graphical Mode from RAM
kernel /boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper toram nopersistent rw quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.gz

title Memory Test
kernel /boot/memtest86+.bin

title Boot the First Hard Disk
root (hd0)
chainloader +1

6. Calculate MD5


cd $CD && find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo md5sum | sudo tee ${CD}/md5sum.txt

E. Build the CD/DVD

1. Make the ISO file


sudo mkisofs -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito \
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-V "Custom Live CD" -cache-inodes -r -J -l \
-o ~/live-cd.iso $CD

2. Test the CD

Test using qemu emulator


qemu -cdrom ~/live-cd.iso -boot d

Or use any other virtualization program you like.

Update: As noted by az in this post, while testing the iso with qemu sometimes it drops you to an initramfs shell because of a problem with qemu. This behaviour has been confirmed by other users. In this case it is advisable to retest the iso with another virtualization software like virtualbox or to burn the iso to REWRITABLE cd and test directly on your pc.

3. (Optional) Clean our workspace


[ -d "$WORK" ] && rm -r $WORK $CD

Final Notes:

  • If you are using a custom kernel make sure it has support for the following:

    1. Support of loopback device.
    2. Support for the filesystem format you are using (e.g. squashfs ).
    3. Support for unionfs.
    4. Support for initramfs.

  • There are some extra options I put in the grub menu. The ones that I have not tried are highlighted in Red below:

    1. Start linux form RAM. This option is only possible if your ram is larger than data on the live media. This option can be useful if you are building a minimal command line rescue disc as it would enhance performance to start it from RAM.

    2. Start in presistent mode. To learn about it more look here.

    3. Start Linux in Text Mode. This will not start X. The user will be autologged into a virtual terminal (the kind of terminal you get when you press Alt+Ctrl+F1). Note that this option will not work in all Ubuntu versions prior to Gutsy.

Appendix 1. Adapting this guide to Debian

This guide can be modified to apply to Debian systems as well. There are number of differeces between Ubuntu and Debian that we must take into account:

  1. As of Debian lenny, casper is deprecated and replaced with live-initramfs. live-initramfs is a fork of casper and it has the same options, with one difference in the CD directory tree sturcute. This can be solved by setting the variable FS_DIR=live instead of FS_DIR=casper.
  2. Sqaushfs modules and unionfs modules are in two separate packages.
  3. Ubiquity installer is not present in the Debain repositories. Ubiquity is only needed if you intend to install Linux from the live CD/DVD to the harddisk. I have not tried using ubiquity on Debian so I am not sure if it will work. To install it on Debian you have to add Ubuntu main repository to your sources.list.

So in light of the points mentioned above we have to make the following modifications to adapt the guide to Debian:
In step A.1 replace FS_DIR=casper with



Replace the command in Step A.3 with:


sudo apt-get install mkisofs grub squashfs-tools squashfs-modules-$(uname -r) qemu

Replace the command in Step C.2 with:


apt-get install live-initramfs unionfs-modules-$(uname -r) discover1 xresprobe

Skip step C.3 and D.2 if you do not intend to try ubiquity on Debian.

In Step D.5 Replace every occurence of BOOT=casper and boot=casper in menu.lst with BOOT=live and boot=live respectively

Appendix 2. Building the live media form scratch using debootstrap.

Instead of using your current installation to be the basis of you live CD, you can build a custom system from scratch into any directory in your system using debootstrap, and then use that as the basis of your CD. The modifications you have to make are:

  • skip step B alltogether. Instead, do the instructions listed here to build your custom system from scratch using debootstarp
  • after finishing the instructions of the guide mentioned above, you resume the steps in this guide, going straight to step C.2 (skip step C.1).

Before step C.4 set the following variable:


export kversion=`cd /boot && ls vmlinuz-* | sed 's@vmlinuz-@@'`

Modify the two commands in step C.4 so they look lik this:


depmod -a ${kversion}


update-initramfs -u -k ${kversion}

Skip the following steps: C8, C9, C10, C11

Modify the commands in Step D.1 as follows:


find ${WORK}/rootfs/boot -iname 'vmlinuz*' -exec sudo cp -vp {} ${CD}/boot/vmlinuz \;


find ${WORK}/rootfs/boot -iname 'initrd.img*' -exec sudo cp -vp {} ${CD}/boot/initrd.gz \;


sudo cp -vp ${WORK}/rootfs/boot/memtest86+.bin ${CD}/boot

dit (1): 20/02/08
  1. Added Suggestions for packages useful in rescue CD.
  2. Modified step D.5 as per RumorsOfWar suggestion.

Update (2): 14/03/08

Fragadelic kindly posted this guide on his website. Fragadelic is the author of remastersys. Remastersys is a tool that can create a live CD/DVD in an automated manner as opposed to the step by step nature of this guide. Another advantage of remastersys is that it has a GUI for those who do not want to miss with the command line.

Edit (3): 12/04/08
Correcting a typo in step E.2 as pointed out by vbgeek

Edit (4): 21/04/08
Removed live-initramfs from the variable REMOVE (in step D.2) as pointed out by gjhicks

Edit (5): 05/05/08
Removed the appendix of how to make the cd using a unix filesystem like ext2. This is now obsolete as you can use squashfs without compression by adding the -noI -noD -noF switches to mksquashfs.

Last edited by capink; May 13th, 2008 at 07:27 AM.

Taken From:

SugarCRM 5.0.0f on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)


# Install Apache With It's Documentation #####
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc

# Start Apache (it should already be started) #####
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

# Test Apache #####

Type on Mozilla Firefox:
It souhld read: It works!

Note: The message "It works!" can be found at the /var/www
directorie, which is apaches's root directory, wich is were
we will install SugaCRM.

# Instaling MySQL and PHP necessary Dependencies #####

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
Type in mySQL's root password in the upcoming textbox.

$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-perl2

$ sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-imap php5-ldap

$ sudo apt-get install php5-mhash php5-mysql php5-odbc curl libwww-perl imagemagick

# Creating SugarCRM MySQL Database #####

$ mysql -u root -p

mysql> create database sugarcrm;

mysql> exit

# Extract SugarCRM #####

$ cd /home/jose/Desktop/SugarCRM

$ unzip

# Installing SugarCRM in Apache #####

# Copiar o SugarCRM para /var/www (apache root dir)
$ sudo cp -vr SugarCE-Full-5.0.0f /var/www

# Give Apache Ownership Over SugarCRM Files (apache-user: www-data) #####

$ sudo chown www-data -vR /var/www/SugarCE-Full-5.0.0f/*

# Write Permitions for Apache on Some of SugarCRM Files #####

$ cd /var/www/SugarCE-Full-5.0.0f

$ sudo chmod 766 config.php

$ sudo chmod 766 custom

$ sudo chmod -R 766 data

$ sudo chmod -R 766 cache

$ sudo chmod -R 766 modules

# Restart Apache #####

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

# Delete Apache's Test Page #####

$ sudo rm -rf /var/www/index.html

# Configuring php.ini #####

sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

;memory_limit = 16M
memory_limit = 50M

;upload_max_filesize = 2M
upload_max_filesize = 10M

# Configuring SugarCRM #####

Type on Mozilla Firefox:
and configure SugarCRM acording to the presented instructions.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Installing Ubuntu Linux (and others) on a Usb PenDrive


This tutorial will show how-to install Ubuntu on a usb stick. Even though this tutorial uses Ubuntu as its base distribution, you could Installing Ubuntu Linux on a usb pendrivevirtually use any type of Linux liveCD distribution.

Being able to run Linux out of a usb bar is a great way to enjoy the live CD experience (being able to use Linux on any computer you might get by) and the big advantage of being easier to carry around than a CD.

1. Requirements

In order to reproduce this tutorial, you will need a few items such as:

  • a ubuntu liveCD
  • a usb bar of at least 1G
  • a running Linux operating system

Now that you have all this, it is time to prepare you USB bar do host the Ubuntu liveCD files.

2. Setting up the USB disk

2.1. Finding the device

In the first place, you need to plug your usb drive and check under which device it is associated. To find out the device, run:

$ sudo fdisk -l

On my system, the device appears as being /dev/sdb, I will therefore use /dev/sdb as a reference for this tutorial, please replace it accordingly to your system (might be sda, sdc ...).
Once you found your device, you are going to create the partitions.

Using the wrong device name might destroy your system partition, please double check

2.2. Making the partitions

Make sure every of your already mounted partition are unmounted:

$sudo umount /dev/sdb1

and then launch fdisk, a tool to edit partition under linux:

sudo fdisk /dev/sdb

We are going delete all the partition and then create 2 new partition: one fat partition of 750M which will host the files from the live CD iso, and the rest on another partition.

At fdisk prompt type d x where x is the partition number (you can simply type d if you only have one partition), then:

  • n to create a new partition
  • p to make it primary
  • 1 so it is the first primary partition
  • Accept the default or type 1 to start from the first cylinder
  • +750M to make it 750 Meg big
  • a to toggle the partition active for boot
  • 1 to choose the 1 partition
  • t to change the partition type
  • 6 to set it to FAT16

Now we have out first partition set up, let's create the second one:

  • n to create yet again a new partition
  • p to make it primary
  • 2 to be the second partition
  • Accept the default by typing Enter
  • Accept the default to make your partition as big as possible
  • Finally, type w to write the change to your usb pendrive

Partitions are now created, let's format them.

2.3. Formatting the partitions

The first partition is going to be formated as a FAT filesystem of size 16 and we are going to attribute it the label "liveusb".

$ sudo mkfs.vfat -F 16 -n liveusb /dev/sdb1

The second partition is going to be of type ext2 with a blocksize of 4096 bytes and the label casper-rw. Mind that it has to be labeled as casper-rw otherwise the tutorial won't work!.

$ sudo mkfs.ext2 -b 4096 -L casper-rw /dev/sdb2

At this stage, our usb pendrive is ready to host the liveCD image. Now, let's copy the files to the usb bar.

How-to: Installing Ubuntu Linux on a usb pendrive -- page 2

3. Installing Ubuntu on the USB stick

3.1. Mounting Ubuntu liveCd image

In the first place we need to mount our ubuntu iso. Depending if you have the .iso file or the CD, there is 2 different ways of mounting it.

3.1.1. Mounting from the CD

People using Ubuntu or any other user-friendly distro, might just have to insert the cd and it will be mounted automatically. If this is not the case:

$ sudo mount /media/cdrom

should mount it.

3.1.2. Mounting from an .iso image file

We will need to create a temporary directory, let say /tmp/ubuntu-livecd and then mount our iso (I will be using a feisty fawn iso).

$ mkdir /tmp/ubuntu-livecd
$ sudo mount -o loop /path/to/feisty-desktop-i386.iso /tmp/ubuntu-livecd

Once the cd image is ready, it is time to mount the newly created usb bar partitions:

3.2. Mounting the usb bar partitions

Same here, you might be able to get both your partition by simply replugging the usb pendrive, partition might appears as: /media/liveusb and /media/casper-rw. If this is not the case, then you will need to mount them manually:

$ mkdir /tmp/liveusb
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/liveusb

All the partitions we need are now mounted, let's copy the files.

3.3. Copying the files to the usb bar

Let positionned yourself on the CD image directory (in my case: /tmp/ubuntu-livecd , but it might be /media/cdrom , and copy at the root of your usb first partition:

  • the directories: 'casper', 'disctree', 'dists', 'install', 'pics', 'pool', 'preseed', '.disk'
  • The content of directory 'isolinux'
  • and files 'md5sum.txt', 'README.diskdefines', 'ubuntu.ico'
  • as well as files: 'casper/vmlinuz', 'casper/initrd.gz' and 'install/mt86plus'

$ cd /tmp/ubuntu-livecd
$ sudo cp -rf casper disctree dists install pics pool preseed .disk isolinux/* md5sum.txt README.diskdefines ubuntu.ico casper/vmlinuz casper/initrd.gz install/mt86plus /tmp/liveusb/

It might complain about symbolic links not being able to create, you can ignore this.

Now let's go to the first partition of your usb disk and rename isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg:

$ cd /tmp/liveusb
$ sudo mv isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg

change /tmp/liveusb according to your settings

Edit syslinux.cfg so it looks like:

DEFAULT persistent
GFXBOOT bootlogo
APPEND file=preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash --
LABEL persistent
menu label ^Start Ubuntu in persistent mode
kernel vmlinuz
append file=preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent initrd=initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash --
LABEL live
menu label ^Start or install Ubuntu
kernel vmlinuz
append file=preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash --
LABEL xforcevesa
menu label Start Ubuntu in safe ^graphics mode
kernel vmlinuz
append file=preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper xforcevesa initrd=initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash --
LABEL check
menu label ^Check CD for defects
kernel vmlinuz
append boot=casper integrity-check initrd=initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash --
LABEL memtest
menu label ^Memory test
kernel mt86plus
append -
menu label ^Boot from first hard disk
localboot 0x80
append -
DISPLAY isolinux.txt
F1 f1.txt
F2 f2.txt
F3 f3.txt
F4 f4.txt
F5 f5.txt
F6 f6.txt
F7 f7.txt
F8 f8.txt
F9 f9.txt
F0 f10.txt

Woof, finally we have our usb disk almost usuable. We have a last thing to do: make the usb bootable.

3.4. Making the usb bar bootable.

in order to make our usb disk bootable, we need to install syslinux and mtools:

$ sudo apt-get install syslinux mtools

And finally unmount /dev/sdb1 and make it bootable:

$ cd
$ sudo umount /tmp/liveusb
$ sudo syslinux -f /dev/sdb1

Here we are :D , reboot, set your BIOS to boot from the usb bar and enjoy Ubuntu linux from a pendrive

4. Troubleshooting

If you are having trouble booting on the usb bar, this might be due to your MBR being corrupted. In order to fix it up, you can use lilo (I installed lilo on my box only for thid purpose).

$ lilo -M /dev/sdb

will fix the MBR on device /dev/sdb

Taken From:

Friday, July 4, 2008

Apache - Basic Authentication - htaccess

Uso e Segurança com o .htaccess no Apache

Hugo Cisneiros, hugo_arroba_devin_ponto_com_ponto_br
Última atualização em 01/08/2003

1. Introdução

Oi pessoal, neste tutorial vou tocar em alguns métodos dee segurança com os arquivos .htaccess do Apache, para proteger diretórios na Web, criar meios de login controlado, e outras utilidades deeste arquivo.

O .htaccess é um arquivo especial para o Apache. Quando um usuário está navegando por alguma página do seu servidor Apache, para todo diretório que ele tentar acessar (e se o servidor estiver configurado para isso), o Apache procura pelo tal do .htaccess e se encontrar, verifica alguma restrição ou liberação para o usuário. Com isso podemos fazer duas coisas básicas em relação à segurança: Restringir acesso aos arquivos e diretórios do servidor Web através de um usuário e senha, ou então pelo IP/Hostname de quem está acessando. Trataremos dos dois assuntos aqui neste tutorial.

2. Configurando o Apache

Antes de mais nada, você precisará se certificar que o Apache está configurado para aceitar os arquivos .htaccess como arquivos especiais. Para configurar, você precisará editar o arquivo de configuração do Apache, que é o "httpd.conf". Geralmente ele está localizado no diretório "/etc/httpd/conf". Dentro deste arquivo, você encontrará uma ou duas diretrizes mais ou menos desta forma:

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None


Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Nesta configuração do Apache, tudo que está dentro das significa restrtições e opções especialmente configuradas para aquele diretório. No caso acima, eu estou aplicando algumas regras tanto no diretório base do servidor Web (ou seja, todo o servidor Web, independente do domínio virtual ou qualquer outra coisa), como também estou aplicando no diretório "/var/www/html", que aqui no caso é onde ficam as páginas Web. Então cabe a você decidir escolher entre as duas diretrizes (ou utilizar a configuração nova nas duas diretrizes mesmo, ou até então criar uma diretriz nova). Como eu quero ativar o .htaccess em todo o meu servidor Web, vou colocar da seguinte maneira:

Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride AuthConfig

O que eu fiz aqui foi adicionar a opção "Indexes" neste diretório e colocar o valor "AuthConfig" no AllowOverride. Em "Options", eu digo algumas opções extras que podem ser colocadas neste diretório. Isso não tem muito haver com este tutorial e nem é necessário, mas é sempre bom saber alguma coisa a mais se já não se sabe :)

Como a própria documentação do Apache diz, podemos usar as seguintes opções para diretórios: "None", "All", ou qualquer combinação de "Indexes", "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews". A opção "Indexes" faz com que quando não tiver nenhum arquivo do tipo index.html, index.htm, ou "páginas iniciais", o Apache cria uma página com a lista dos arquivos existentes no diretório. O "Includes" permite colocar arquivos do tipo SSI (Server Side Includes), que são páginas dinâmicas antigamente usadas por muitos (Agora a moda é PHP, Python, Perl, etc). O "FollowSymLinks" faz com que o Apache aceite links simbólicos no sistema, seguindo os diretórios ou arquivos que os links apontam. O "ExecCGI" faz com que neste diretório possam ser executados arquivos CGI (Common Gateway Interface). A opção ExecCGI pode ser (e geralmente é) encontrada para o diretório "/var/www/cgi-bin", onde estão localizados os scripts CGI. Já o "multiViews" serve para por exemplo, servir páginas de acordo com a preferência de língua do usuário (index.html.pt_BR, indeex.html.en, etc).

O All significa todas as opções (menos o MultiViews) e o None significa nenhuma :)

Deixando de lado essa parte, vamos ao que realmente interessa. A opção "AllowOverride AuthConfig" é a que diz para o Apache verificar pelos arquivos .htaccess nos diretórios e aplicar as regras contidas no arquivo nos diretórios e subdiretórios de onde o arquivo esteja localizado. Colocada esta opção, é só dar um restart ou reload no servidor Web e tudo funcionará.

Para fins de entendimento, o nome "AllowOverride" já diz tudo: Ele sobrescreve as configurações padrões do servidor Apache para colocar novas configurações para aquele diretório. Estas configurações podem ser permissões dee acesso, opções (como as que mostrei acima), entre outros.

3. Utilizando o .htaccess

Agora que o servidor Apache já está configurado, teremos que criar o arquivo .htaccess com as regras. Utilize o seu editor prefeiro (no meu caso, o vim). Poderemos fazer várias coisas neste arquivo. Neste tutorial estarei usando vários arquivos .htaccess para demonstrar cada opção à cada caso, mas você pode utilizar um .htaccess no diretório principal do seu servidor, e definir as permissões e opções colocando-as dentro de tags , , etc. Tentarei dar alguns exemplos aqui.

3.1. Restringindo o acesso por IP/Hostname

As vezes precisamos restringir certos arquivos e diretórios para cecrtos IPs. Isso é válido por exemplo, quando você tem um provedor, e só se quer permitir acessar algumas páginas de administração os IPs da Intranet do provedor. Para isso pode-se aplicar estas regras no .htaccess. Veja o exemplo abaixo:

# Deixa a Intranet acessar
Order allow,deny
allow from 192.168.0.
deny from all

Esse exemplo de .htaccess fará com que o diretório, seus arquivos e seus subdiretórios só poderão ser acessados por quem estiver na faixa de IP de até Vamos supor agora que eu queira restringir apenas 1 IP, para não acessar um certo diretório. O .htaccess ficaria assim:

# Deixa todo mundo acessar, menos o IP
Order deny,allow
deny from
allow from all

E está feito, quando o IP tentar acessar, não vai conseguir. Você pode substituir o IP por um hostname, contanto que a opção "HostnameLookups" no httpd.conf esteja habilitada (on).

3.2. Restringindo o acesso por usuário e senha

Agora vem uma parte muito interessante. As vezes não temos como restringir apenas por IPs, seja porque o usuário que tem que acessar possa etar em qualquer lugar, ou ter IP dinâmico, etc. Para resolver esse caso, podemos utilizar o método de usuário e senha. Antes de mais nada você terá que ter o utilitário "htpasswd", que serve para criar um arquivo de senhas criptografadas. Neste tutorial, criaremos 3 usuários exemplo:

$ mkdir /etc/httpd/auth
$ cd /etc/httpd/auth

$ htpasswd -c acesso hugo
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user hugo

$ htpasswd acesso eitch
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user eitch

$ htpasswd acesso sakura
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user sakura

O resultado que temos é o arquivo /etc/httpd/auth/acesso com o seguinte conteúdo:

Observação: Caso você não tenha o utilitário htpasswd, você pode criar as senhas criptografadas com um comando do perl. Por exemplo, se eu quiser criar a senha criptografada chamada "minhasenha", farei o seguinte comando:
$ perl -e 'print crypt("minhasenha", "Lq"), "\n";'

E então é só incluir a senha no arquivo como no esquema acima.

Como pode ver, as senhas estão criptografadas. Este armazenamento de senhas é muito simples. Há outros métodos de se armazenar senhas (arquivos de banco de dados por exemplo), mas por enquanto não vou cobrir isto no tutorial porque não é tão necessário. Mas fica extremamente necessário se houver muitos e muitos usuários e senhas, pois se houver muitos, o processo de autenticação pode demorar um pouco.

Agora que o arquivo de usuários e senhas está criado, vamos criar o .htaccess que irá verificar este arquivo. Veja o exemplo do .htaccess:

AuthName "Acesso Restrito à Usuários"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/auth/acesso
require valid-user

Salve o arquivo e pronto, quando um usuário acessar a URL, o servidor irá verificar este arquivo .htaccess e irá perguntar pro cliente um usuário e senha. Epa, mas peraí, vamos explicar direitinho o arquivo acima!

  • AuthName: O nome que aparece como mensagem de Login. Pode usar algo como "Entre com Login e Senha", ou coisa deste tipo.
  • AuthType: Tipo de autenticação. Atualmente o Basic é o tipo mais comum. Existe também o "Digest", mas ainda não é muito utilizado e suportado pelos clientes.
  • AuthUserFile: Onde está o arquivo de usuários e senhas que agente criou.
  • require valid-user: O que o Apache precisa para validar o acesso. Neste caso a gente indicou que precisa de um usuário válido para acessar a página, ou seja, alguém que digitou um usuário e senha e bateu com o que está no arquivo de senhas. Pode-se restringir para apenas alguns usuários do arquivo de senhas. Por exemplo, se eu quisesse restringir apenas para o usuário eitch e sakura, ao invés de "require valid-user", ficaria "require user eitch sakura".

Mas se por acaso você tiver muitos usuários, e quer dividí-los em grupos, você pode muito bem fazer isso! Primeiro teremos que criar o arquivo com os grupos. Use o seu editor preferido, e vamos criar por exemplo, o arquivo "/etc/httpd/auth/grupos":

admin:hugo eitch
visitante: sakura
empresa: hugo eitch sakura

Salve o arquivo e então criamos três grupos. Para usar estes grupos, teremos que modificar o arquivo .htaccess anterior para ficar desta maneira:

AuthName "Acesso Restrito à Usuários"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/auth/acesso
AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/auth/grupos
require group admin

No arquivo acima eu adicionei a linha "AuthGroupFile", que indica pro servidor onde está o arquivo dos grupos (bem parecido com o "AuthUserFile" hein?) e no "require", coloquei que requer o grupo admin. Simples de entender, não? Agora já dá pra brincar bastante restringindo usuários :)

3.3. Opções diferentes

Lembra do "Options" na diretriz no tópico 2? Pois é, você pode colocar estas opções também no .htaccess. Se por exemplo você quer que o diretório onde você colocou o .htaccess liste os arquivos caso não haja um index.html da vida, você adiciona o seguinte no .htaccess:

Options +Indexes

E para tirar essa opção:

Options -Indexes

E nisso você pode usar para qualquer uma das opções.

3.4. Mensagens de Erro personalizadas

Vamos supor que você tenha uma sub-página no seu servidor, e queira que as mensagens de erro do servidor sejam bonitinhas e no formato que você criou. Para fazer isso, você precisará apenas saber o que significa cada código de erro do servidor e apontar para a uma página com o .htaccess:

ErrorDocument 401 /erros/falhaautorizacao.html
ErrorDocument 404 /erros/naoencontrado.html
ErrorDocument 403 /erros/acessonegado.html
ErrorDocument 500 /erros/errointerno.html

Caso você não saiba os códigos de erro do Apache, a configuração do apache 2.x já tem uma boa ajuda quanto a isto, vou colocar as linhas aqui como referência (entenda se quiser e puder :P):

ErrorDocument 400 /error/HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.html.var
ErrorDocument 401 /error/HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED.html.var
ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
ErrorDocument 404 /error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var
ErrorDocument 405 /error/HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.html.var
ErrorDocument 408 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT.html.var
ErrorDocument 410 /error/HTTP_GONE.html.var
ErrorDocument 411 /error/HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED.html.var
ErrorDocument 412 /error/HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED.html.var
ErrorDocument 413 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE.html.var
ErrorDocument 414 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE.html.var
ErrorDocument 415 /error/HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var
ErrorDocument 500 /error/HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.html.var
ErrorDocument 501 /error/HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.html.var
ErrorDocument 502 /error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var
ErrorDocument 503 /error/HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var
ErrorDocument 506 /error/HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES.html.var

3.5. Opções para arquivos e diretórios específicos

Agora vamos supor que você queira somente fazer restrições para certos arquivos e diretórios. Para isso você poderá fazer tudo o que fazia antes, só que dentro de tags como ou . Veja o exemplo de .htaccess a seguir com comentários embutidos explicando o contexto:

# Restringe o arquivo_secreto.html somente para o IP

Order allow,Deny
Allow from
Deny from all

# Restringe o diretório admin para utilizar senhas

AuthName "Acesso Restrito à Usuários"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/auth/acesso
AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/auth/grupos
require group admin

# Nega o acesso dos clientes ao .htaccess (bom colocar no httpd.conf)
# - Vem com a configuração padrão do Apache

Order allow,deny
Deny from all

Entendeu bem como funciona o esquema? Então é só brincar bastante :)

4. Conclusão

Pudemos aprender bastante como mexer com o .htaccess, mas o que vimos aqui não foi tudo não. Tem muita coisa ainda que se dá para colocar no .htaccess. Como eu disse no início dedste tutorial, o .htaccess poded comportar todo tipo de configuração de diretórios do Apache, sobrescrevendo as configurações padrões contidas no httpd.conf. Explorar as funcionalidades é uma questão de prática, então mãos a obra!

Bom proveito!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Graphicall Desktop for Ubuntu Server Edition

If you have installed an Ubuntu Server Edition, the first sing you notice is that you dont have X11, GDM, Gnome or KDE, only a text shell.

Here I'm going to show you howto install the Ubuntu Desktop for the Server Edition.

It's actually quite easy, just type on the bash shell:

$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

Now sit down and wait, for apt-get to download and install about 900 packets / 472 MB.

And that it, next time you reboot you have the same Gnome Desktop that in the Ubuntu Desktop Edition.

Encripted Partitions and LiveCD - On The Fly (Linux, Mac, Windows)

Paranoid Penguin - Customizing Linux Live CDs, Part II

May 1st, 2008 by Mick Bauer

Note that Ubuntu 8.4 includes the packages easycrypt and gdecrypt, two graphical front ends for TrueCrypt, but no packages for TrueCrypt itself, on which both easycrypt and gdecrypt depend (though the latter, even without TrueCrypt, can create non-TrueCrypt-compatible encrypted volumes). So the instructions I give here on downloading and installing TrueCrypt itself still are applicable to Ubuntu 8.4.

Installing TrueCrypt

Although I just disclaimed the intention of making this a TrueCrypt primer, a little introduction is in order. TrueCrypt is a free, open-source, cross-platform volume-encryption utility. It's also highly portable. The TrueCrypt binary itself is self-contained, and any TrueCrypt volume can be mounted on any Windows or Linux system on which the TrueCrypt binary will run or compile. TrueCrypt can be run either from a command line or in the X Window System.

TrueCrypt is becoming quite popular and is held in high regard by crypto experts I know (it appears to be a sound implementation of known, good algorithms like AES and Twofish), but its license is a bit complicated. For this reason, TrueCrypt hasn't yet been adopted into Debian or Ubuntu officially, even though Ubuntu 8.10's universe packages easycrypt and gdecrypt depend on it (see the Ubuntu 7.10 vs. 8.4 sidebar).

So, to install TrueCrypt on an Ubuntu system, you need to download it directly from When I was writing this article, TrueCrypt version 5.1 was current, and the Ubuntu deb file I downloaded was called truecrypt-5.1-ubuntu-x86.tar.gz, though by the time you read this, it may be something else. Besides an Ubuntu deb package, TrueCrypt also is available as a SUSE RPM file (that also might work on other RPM-based distros) and as source code.

Now, it's time to install TrueCrypt. You're going to need to install TrueCrypt in at least two places: on the master system you're using to create your custom live CD and either on the live CD image itself or on whatever removable media (such as a USB drive) you're going to keep your encrypted volume.

First, let's install TrueCrypt on the master system. Open a command shell, unpack the TrueCrypt archive in your home directory, and change your working directory to the directory that gets unpacked:

bash-$ tar -xzvf ./truecrypt-5.1-ubuntu-x86.tar.gz

bash-$ cd truecrypt-5.1

Next, use the dpkg command to install the deb file:

bash-$ sudo dpkg -i ./truecrypt_5.1-0_i386.deb

With TrueCrypt 5.1, only three files are installed on your system: its license and user guide, both in /usr/share/truecrupt/doc/, and the binary itself, /usr/bin/truecrypt. TrueCrypt doesn't require any special kernel modules; it's a monolothic process. This means that if you copy /usr/bin/truecrypt to the same Flash drive on which you keep your encrypted volume, you won't need to install it on your Ubuntu live CD.

You may prefer doing so anyhow. Here's how:

  1. Follow steps 00–12 in the procedure I described last month for mounting your custom ISO and chrooting into it (see Appendix).

  2. From a different, non-chrooted shell, copy the TrueCrypt deb package truecrypt_5.1-0_i386.deb into the ISO root you just chrooted into (isonew/custom/ in last month's examples).

  3. Back in your chrooted shell, run dpkg -i ./truecrypt_5.1-0_i386.deb (no sudo necessary here, as you're already root).

  4. Finally, follow steps 19–33 from last month's procedure to clean up, unmount and repackage your custom live CD image. And, of course, use your CD-burning application of choice to burn your image into a shiny new live CD

Creating an Encrypted Volume

Now, you can create an encrypted volume. For our purposes here, it will be a simple “file vault” to mount as a subdirectory of your home directory. But, it just as easily could be an entire home directory that you mount over the one your live CD uses. Come to think of it, you also could do that with /etc. For now, however, I'll leave it to you to explore the technical subtleties of those usage scenarios (see Resources for some pointers on home directory encryption).

TrueCrypt can be run either in text mode, via the truecrypt -t command (followed by various options) or in graphical mode. For now, let's stick to graphical mode. To start it, simply type the following from within a terminal window:

bash-$ truecrypt &

And, you should see what's shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. TrueCrypt 5.1 GUI for Linux

Click Create Volume to start the TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard. We'll create a standard TrueCrypt volume, not a hidden one (you can hide one TrueCrypt volume inside the “empty” space of another, as all unused space in a TrueCrypt volume is filled with random characters). So, click Next.

In the wizard's next screen, you can specify the path and name of the file in which your encrypted volume will be stored or the name of an entire disk partition to encrypt. Here, we're creating a file-hosted volume, and in our example scenario, this file will be /home/ubuntu/realhome2 (no file extension is necessary). After typing that path, click Next.

In the wizard's third screen, we must specify the volume's size. In this example, I'm creating a 500MB volume.

After clicking Next, you can choose an Encryption Algorithm and a Hash Algorithm. The defaults, AES and RIPEMD-160, respectively, are good choices. You also can click the Test button to make sure TrueCrypt's built-in cryptographic functions work properly on your system.

The next step is to set a volume password. Choose a strong one! You also can specify and create keyfiles—files that TrueCrypt will look for every time you mount this volume. If any keyfile is missing, or if its contents have changed in any way since you created the volume, TrueCrypt won't mount the volume. Properly used, keyfiles can provide another level of authentication to your encrypted volume. But, we aren't going to use any in this example. Enter a password (twice) and click Next.

Important note: TrueCrypt has no back doors of any kind. For this reason, if you forget your volume's password, or if any of its keyfiles are lost or corrupted, you will not be able to recover the contents of your encrypted volume. By all means, choose a difficult-to-guess volume password, but make sure you won't forget or lose it yourself!

Now we come to the Format Options screen, which asks a subtle question: which filesystem? The choices here are FAT, which is actually the Windows 95 vfat filesystem (MS-DOS FAT16 with long filenames), and None. If you select FAT, TrueCrypt will format your new encrypted volume for you. However, vfat isn't a journaling filesystem; it isn't very resilient to file corruption and other filesystem errors.

Worse, strange things can happen if you store certain kinds of Linux system files on a vfat partition, because vfat can't store certain Linux file attributes. The only reason to choose vfat is if you intend to use the volume with both Linux and Windows systems. If you're going to use it only on Linux, especially if you're going to use it as a home directory (or /etc), you should choose None, and formate the virtual partition yourself, which I'll show you how to do in a minute.

For now, click Next to proceed to the Volume Format screen. This is your chance to generate some entropy (randomness) with which TrueCrypt can initialize its crypto engine, pursuant to encrypting your volume. To do so, move your mouse randomly within the window a while, and then click Format.

That's it! You've created /home/ubuntu/realhome2 and now are ready to format it. Click Exit to close the Volume Creation Wizard.

Formatting the Volume

My personal favorite native-Linux journaling filesystem is ext3, so that's what we use here. Before we format our new volume though, we need to have TrueCrypt map it to a virtual device. This isn't really mounting per se, but that's the TrueCrypt function we need to use.

Back in the TrueCrypt GUI (Figure 1), type the full path of our new volume (/home/ubuntu/realhome2) in the text box next to the key icon (or navigate to it using the Select File... dialog), and click Mount. In the box that pops up, enter your volume's password, and then click Options >. Here's where things get a little strange. Click the box next to Do not mount (Figure 2). Now you can click OK.

Figure 2. Not Mounting Our Unformatted Volume

Why, you may wonder, are you telling TrueCrypt “do not mount” in the middle of the Mount dialog? Because, of course, you can't mount an unformatted partition. But, TrueCrypt can map it to a virtual device, and this is, in fact, what TrueCrypt has just done.

Back in the TrueCrypt main screen, your volume file now should be listed in Slot 1. To find the virtual device to which it's been mapped, click Volume Properties. As shown in Figure 3, realhome3 has been mapped to /dev/loop0.

Figure 3. Volume Properties

Now, we can format the new encrypted volume. In your terminal window, type:

05-$ sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop0
Volume Ownership

Voilà! You now have a mountable, usable encrypted virtual volume! If you want to test it or begin populating it with confidential data you intend to use with your live CD, you can mount it “for real” by going back to the TrueCrypt GUI, clicking Dismount, and then clicking Mount (the same button; it's context-sensitive). (This time, do not select the Do not mount button.) If you don't specify a mountpoint, TrueCrypt automatically creates one called /media/truecrypt1.

Note that if you mount different TrueCrypt volumes in succession, the mountpoints will be named /media/truecrypt1, /media/truecrypt2 and so on, where the trailing digit corresponds to the Slot number TrueCrypt uses in creating virtual device mappings (Figure 1). Note also that when mounting a TrueCrypt volume from the GUI, you may need to click on an empty slot number before clicking the Mount number, if one isn't selected already.

By default, TrueCrypt mounts your ext3-formatted TrueCrypt volume with root ownership. Depending on how you plan to use it, that may be appropriate. But, as a matter of principle, you don't want to use root privileges for ordinary tasks like word processing. If you're going to use this volume as your Documents directory, it's going to need to be usable by some unprivileged user.

The custom live CD image we created last month has only the default Ubuntu accounts on it. For now, let's stick with those—that way, you'll be able to use this encrypted volume with any Ubuntu 7.10 live CD, not just your custom image. Here's how to make your volume usable by the default live CD user account ubuntu.

First, create, map, format and mount your volume as described above. I'll assume that TrueCrypt mounted it to /media/truecrypt1.

Open or switch to a terminal window. If you do an ls -l of /media, the listing for your volume should look like this:

drwxr-xr-x  3 root     root  1024 2008-03-09 23:21 truecrypt1

As you can see, only root can use this directory. Because we want it to be usable by our live CD's ubuntu account, and because that account's user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) are 999 and 999, respectively, we issue this command:

05-$ sudo chown -R 999:999 /media/truecrypt1

This performs a bit of magic. The user/group ownerships you just specified are now embedded in your TrueCrypt volume's filesystem. From this point on, wherever you mount this volume, regardless of the mountpoint's ownership and permissions when it isn't in use, your volume will be mounted with UID and GID both set to 999.

If you subsequently mount the TrueCrypt volume on a system on which some user or group other than ubuntu has a numeric ID of 999 (per its local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files), then that user or group will own the mounted volume, even if that system has an account or group named ubuntu. And, if on that system the UID 999 doesn't correspond to any user, you'll need to be root in order to use the mounted volume. (But, in that case, you'll be no worse off than if you had skipped the chown exercise!)

Using the TrueCrypt Volume with Your Live CD

And now, the moment of truth. To use your encrypted TrueCrypt volume with an Ubuntu live CD, such as the one we modified last month, simply boot a system off that CD; insert the USB drive; execute the truecrypt binary from the USB drive or from the CD, if you installed TrueCrypt on your custom image; and mount your encrypted volume, specifying a mountpoint of /home/ubuntu/Documents (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Mounting Your Volume on /home/ubuntu/Documents

If TrueCrypt prompts you for an administrative password, leave it blank and click OK. By default, the ubuntu account on Ubuntu CDs has no password.

This brings me to the topic of next month's column: further securing and customizing your encrypted-Documents-enabled live CD image. Until then, be safe!

Mick Bauer ( is Network Security Architect for one of the US's largest banks. He is the author of the O'Reilly book Linux Server Security, 2nd edition (formerly called Building Secure Servers With Linux), an occasional presenter at information security conferences and composer of the “Network Engineering Polka”.

Taken From: Linux Journal, nº 170 2008 - Paranoid Penguin - Customizing Linux Live CDs, Part II, by Mick Bauer

Booting Thin Clients - Over a Wireless Bridge

Thin Clients Booting over a Wireless Bridge

May 1st, 2008 by Ronan Skehill, Alan Dunne and John Nelson

How quickly can thin clients boot over a wireless bridge, and how far apart can they really be?

In the 1970s and 1980s, the ubiquitous model of corporate and academic computing was that of many users logging in remotely to a single server to use a sliver of its precious processing time. With the cost of semiconductors holding fast to Moore's Law in the subsequent decades, however, the next advances in computing saw desktop computing become the standard as it became more affordable.

Although the technology behind thin clients is not revolutionary, their popularity has been on the increase recently. For many institutions that rely on older, donated hardware, thin-client networks are the only feasible way to provide users with access to relatively new software. Their use also has flourished in the corporate context. Thin-client networks provide cost-savings, ease network administration and pose fewer security implications when the time comes to dispose of them. Several computer manufacturers have leaped to stake their claim on this expanding market: Dell and HP Compaq, among others, now offer thin-client solutions to business clients.

And, of course, thin clients have a large following of hobbyists and enthusiasts, who have used their size and flexibility to great effect in countless home-brew projects. Software projects, such as the Etherboot Project and the Linux Terminal Server Project, have large and active communities and provide excellent support to those looking to experiment with diskless workstations.

Connecting the thin clients to a server always has been done using Ethernet; however, things are changing. Wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), have evolved tremendously and now can start to provide an alternative means of connecting clients to servers. Furthermore, wireless equipment enjoys world-wide acceptance, and compatible products are readily available and very cheap.

In this article, we give a short description of the setup of a thin-client network, as well as some of the tools we found to be useful in its operation and administration. We also describe a test scenario we set up, involving a thin-client network that spanned a wireless bridge.

What Is a Thin Client?

A thin client is a computer with no local hard drive, which loads its operating system at boot time from a boot server. It is designed to process data independently, but relies solely on its server for administration, applications and non-volatile storage.

Figure 1. LTSP Traffic Profile and Boot Sequence

Following the client's BIOS sequence, most machines with network-boot capability will initiate a Preboot EXecution Environment (PXE), which will pass system control to the local network adapter. Figure 1 illustrates the traffic profile of the boot process and the various different stages, which are numbered 1 to 5. The network card broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER packet with special flags set, indicating that the sender is trying to locate a valid boot server. A local PXE server will reply with a list of valid boot servers. The client then chooses a server, requests the name of the Linux kernel file from the server and initiates its transfer using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP; stage 1). The client then loads and executes the Linux kernel as normal (stage 2). A custom init program is then run, which searches for a network card and uses DHCP to identify itself on the network. Using Sun Microsystems' Network File System (NFS), the thin client then mounts a directory tree located on the PXE server as its own root filesystem (stage 3). Once the client has a non-volatile root filesystem, it continues to load the rest of its operating system environment (stage 4)—for example, it can mount a local filesystem and create a ramdisk to store local copies of temporary files. The fifth stage in the boot process is the initiation of the X Window System. This transfers the keystrokes from the thin client to the server to be processed. The server in return sends the graphical output to be displayed by the user interface system (usually KDE or GNOME) on the thin client.

The X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) provides a layer of abstraction between the hardware in a system and the output shown to the user. This allows the user to be physically removed from the hardware by, in this case, a Local Area Network. When the X Window System is run on the thin client, it contacts the PXE server. This means the user logs in to the thin client to get a session on the server.

In conventional fat-client environments, if a client opens a large file from a network server, it must be transferred to the client over the network. If the client saves the file, the file must be again transmitted over the network. In the case of wireless networks, where bandwidth is limited, fat client networks are highly inefficient. On the other hand, with a thin-client network, if the user modifies the large file, only mouse movement, keystrokes and screen updates are transmitted to and from the thin client. This is a highly efficient means, and other examples, such as ICA or NX, can consume as little as 5kbps bandwidth. This level of traffic is suitable for transmitting over wireless links.

How to Set Up a Thin-Client Network with a Wireless Bridge

One of the requirements for a thin client is that it has a PXE-bootable system. Normally, PXE is part of your network card BIOS, but if your card doesn't support it, you can get an ISO image of Etherboot with PXE support from ROM-o-matic (see Resources). Looking at the server with, for example, ten clients, it should have plenty of hard disk space (100GB), plenty of RAM (at least 1GB) and a modern CPU (such as an AMD64 3200).

The following is a five-step how-to guide on setting up an Edubuntu thin-client network over a fixed network.

1. Prepare the server.

In our network, we used the standard standalone configuration. From the command line:

sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone

You may need to edit /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf if you change the default IP range for the clients. By default, it's configured for a server at serving PXE clients.

Our network wasn't behind a firewall, but if yours is, you need to open TFTP, NFS and DHCP. To do this, edit /etc/hosts.allow, and limit access for portmap, rpc.mountd, rpc.statd and in.tftpd to the local network:


Restart all the services by executing the following commands:

sudo invoke-rc.d nfs-kernel-server restart
sudo invoke-rc.d nfs-common restart
sudo invoke-rc.d portmap restart

2. Build the client's runtime environment.

While connected to the Internet, issue the command:

sudo ltsp-build-client

If you're not connected to the Internet and have Edubuntu on CD, use:

sudo ltsp-build-client --mirror file:///cdrom

Remember to copy sources.list from the server into the chroot.

3. Configure your SSH keys.

To configure your SSH server and keys, do the following:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys

4. Start DHCP.

You should now be ready to start your DHCP server:

sudo invoke-rc.d dhcp3-server start

If all is going well, you should be ready to start your thin client.

5. Boot the thin client.

Make sure the client is connected to the same network as your server.

Power on the client, and if all goes well, you should see a nice XDMCP graphical login dialog.

Once the thin-client network was up and running correctly, we added a wireless bridge into our network. In our network, a number of thin clients are located on a single hub, which is separated from the boot server by an IEEE 802.11 wireless bridge. It's not an unrealistic scenario; a situation such as this may arise in a corporate setting or university. For example, if a group of thin clients is located in a different or temporary building that does not have access to the main network, a simple and elegant solution would be to have a wireless link between the clients and the server. Here is a mini-guide in getting the bridge running so that the clients can boot over the bridge:

  • Connect the server to the LAN port of the access point. Using this LAN connection, access the Web configuration interface of the access point, and configure it to broadcast an SSID on a unique channel. Ensure that it is in Infrastructure mode (not ad hoc mode). Save these settings and disconnect the server from the access point, leaving it powered on.

  • Now, connect the server to the wireless node. Using its Web interface, connect to the wireless network advertised by the access point. Again, make sure the node connects to the access point in Infrastructure mode.

  • Finally, connect the thin client to the access point. If there are several thin clients connected to a single hub, connect the access point to this hub.

We found ad hoc mode unsuitable for two reasons. First, most wireless devices limit ad hoc connection speeds to 11Mbps, which would put the network under severe strain to boot even one client. Second, while in ad hoc mode, the wireless nodes we were using would assume the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the computer that last accessed its Web interface (using Ethernet) as its own Wireless LAN MAC. This made the nodes suitable for connecting a single computer to a wireless network, but not for bridging traffic destined to more than one machine. This detail was found only after much sleuthing and led to a range of sporadic and often unreproducible errors in our system.

The wireless devices will form an Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layer 2 bridge between the server and the thin clients. In other words, all packets received by the wireless devices on their Ethernet interfaces will be forwarded over the wireless network and retransmitted on the Ethernet adapter of the other wireless device. The bridge is transparent to both the clients and the server; neither has any knowledge that the bridge is in place.

For administration of the thin clients and network, we used the Webmin program. Webmin comprises a Web front end and a number of CGI scripts, which directly update system configuration files. As it is Web-based, administration can be performed from any part of the network by simply using a Web browser to log in to the server. The graphical interface greatly simplifies tasks, such as adding and removing thin clients from the network or changing the location of the image file to be transferred at boot time. The alternative is to edit several configuration files by hand and restart all dæmon programs manually.

Evaluating the Performance of a Thin-Client Network

The boot process of a thin client is network-intensive, but once the operating system has been transferred, there is little traffic between the client and the server. As the time required to boot a thin client is a good indicator of the overall usability of the network, this is the metric we used in all our tests.

Our testbed consisted of a 3GHz Pentium 4 with 1GB of RAM as the PXE server. We chose Edubuntu 5.10 for our server, as this (and all newer versions of Edubuntu) come with LTSP included. We used six identical thin clients: 500MHz Pentium III machines with 512MB of RAM—plenty of processing power for our purposes.

Figure 2. Six thin clients are connected to a hub, and in turn, this is connected to wireless bridge device. On the other side of the bridge is the server. Both wireless devices are placed in the Azimuth chamber.

When performing our tests, it was important that the results obtained were free from any external influence. A large part of this was making sure that the wireless bridge was not affected by any other wireless networks, cordless phones operating at 2.4GHz, microwaves or any other sources of Radio Frequency (RF) interference. To this end, we used the Azimuth 301w Test Chamber to house the wireless devices (see Resources). This ensures that any variations in boot times are caused by random variables within the system itself.

The Azimuth is a test platform for system-level testing of 802.11 wireless networks. It holds two wireless devices (in our case, the devices making up our bridge) in separate chambers and provides an artificial medium between them, creating complete isolation from the external RF environment. The Azimuth can attenuate the medium between the wireless devices and can convert the attenuation in decibels to an approximate distance between them. This gives us the repeatability, which is a rare thing in wireless LAN evaluation. A graphic representation of our testbed is shown in Figure 2.

We tested the thin-client network extensively in three different scenarios: first, when multiple clients are booting simultaneously over the network; second, booting a single thin client over the network at varying distances, which are simulated by altering the attenuation introduced by the chamber; and third, booting a single client when there is heavy background network traffic between the server and the other clients on the network.

Figure 3. A Boot Time Comparison of Fixed and Wireless Networks with an Increasing Number of Thin Clients

Figure 4. The Effect of the Bridge Length on Thin-Client Boot Time

Figure 5. Boot Time in the Presence of Background Traffic


As shown in Figure 3, a wired network is much more suitable for a thin-client network. The main limiting factor in using an 802.11g network is its lack of available bandwidth. Offering a maximum data rate of 54Mbps (and actual transfer speeds at less than half that), even an aging 100Mbps Ethernet easily outstrips 802.11g. When using an 802.11g bridge in a network such as this one, it is best to bear in mind its limitations. If your network contains multiple clients, try to stagger their boot procedures if possible.

Second, as shown in Figure 4, keep the bridge length to a minimum. With 802.11g technology, after a length of 25 meters, the boot time for a single client increases sharply, soon hitting the three-minute mark. Finally, our test shows, as illustrated in Figure 5, heavy background traffic (generated either by other clients booting or by external sources) also has a major influence on the clients' boot processes in a wireless environment. As the background traffic reaches 25% of our maximum throughput, the boot times begin to soar. Having pointed out the limitations with 802.11g, 802.11n is on the horizon, and it can offer data rates of 540Mbps, which means these limitations could soon cease to be an issue.

In the meantime, we can recommend a couple ways to speed up the boot process. First, strip out the unneeded services from the thin clients. Second, fix the delay of NFS mounting in klibc, and also try to start LDM as early as possible in the boot process, which means running it as the first service in rc2.d. If you do not need system logs, you can remove syslogd completely from the thin-client startup. Finally, it's worth remembering that after a client has fully booted, it requires very little bandwidth, and current wireless technology is more than capable of supporting a network of thin clients.


This work was supported by the National Communications Network Research Centre, a Science Foundation Ireland Project, under Grant 03/IN3/1396.

Ronan Skehill works for the Wireless Access Research Centre at the University of Limerick, Ireland, as a Senior Researcher. The Centre focuses on everything wireless-related and has been growing steadily since its inception in 1999.

Alan Dunne conducted his final-year project with the Centre under the supervision of John Nelson. He graduated in 2007 with a degree in Computer Engineering and now works with Ericsson Ireland as a Network Integration Engineer.

John Nelson is a senior lecturer in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of Limerick. His interests include mobile and wireless communications, software engineering and ambient assisted living.

Taken From: Linux Journal, nº 170 2008 - Thin Clients Booting over a Wireless Bridge, by Kyle Ronan Skehill, Alen Dunne and John Nelson