Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cisco – Interface History Command (IOS 15)

The "history" command is new with 15.1T. This, along with the new "show interface history" command, allows an interface to maintain utilization history in a graphical format similar to CPU history.

This history can be maintained as either packets per second (pps) or bit per second (bps).

interface fastEthernet 0/1
history xxx
  bps  Maintain history in bits/second
  pps  Maintain history in packets/second

Along with the rate, the user can monitor the many/various interface counters. As with CPU history, there are graphs for the last 60 seconds, last 60 minutes and last 72 hours. Separate graphs are maintained for input and output. This is a total of 6 graphs.

The show interface history command allows a display of all 6 graphs or only a subset based on needs:

show interface [type number] history [all | 60sec | 60min | 72hour] [both | input | output]


interface fastEthernet 0/23
history bps

show interfaces FastEthernet 0/24 history







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