Showing posts with label gns3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gns3. Show all posts

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Huawei and Cisco – Connect eNSP to GNS3 (Simulators)

Huawei eNSP (Enterprise Network Simulation Platform) is a network simulator developed by Huawei and freelly available. eNSP use Oracle Virtual Box (bundled within the eNSP installer), where each device is emulated from a single Virtual Box VM. eNSP uses a GUI to create and manage devices so no Virtual Box knowledge is needed.

Below we are going to show how to connect eNSP (v1.2.00.330) with GNS3 (v1.2.1), so that the equipments in both simulators can comunicate with each other.

Setting Up eNSP (Huawei Simulator)


Two interfaces must be added:

  • Ethernet Internal (UDP) port: used between eNSP GUI and Virtual Box ASR2 instance;
  • Ethernet Public port: used between eNSP GUI and the GNS3

Both interfaces must implement (Port Mapping) a Two-way Channel.











Setting Up GNS3 (Cisco Simulator)









Now just configure GE0/0/0 on AR2 (eNSP) and Fa0/0 on R1 (GNS3) on the same subnet and start pinging.

Related Links:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Multivendor OSPF Lab - With GNS3 and VMware Fusion


DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for general informational and educational purposes only. 
Do you have a Mac? Do you have VMware Fusion 6 Professional and GNS3 (with TunTap) installed? Are you ready to implement a multivendor OSPF lab? This post is a culmination of my previous GNS3 posts where we take most of that information to actualize a practical solution. 
The lab contains several virtual devices that consume a significant amount of hardware resources. I recommend your Mac computer have a minimum 8GB of memory, and I also recommend a quad-core CPU because the ASAVM device will absorb the full usage of a single core by default. A dual-core CPU will suffice but expect less "headroom". 
Core components required for this tutorial:

The following table maps each device to its GNS3 object, hypervisor, and software relationship:


GNS3 Object






Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 8.4(2)






Router c3700






Juniper Networks Firefly Perimeter 12.1X46-D10.2




Ubuntu Server 13.10

The R1 device can be any GNS3-compatible Cisco IOS router image that supports the OSPF protocol. The software (for the virtual devices) can be downloaded from their respective websites.

1. GNS3 Topology
Create a new GNS3 project. Drag and drop the GNS3 objects onto the blank workspace. Arrange them so it looks similar to the layout of the network diagram. The network diagram is the reference point for this tutorial.

1.1 Configure the GNS3 Host object attributes (right-click or control-click)

For example, if you were starting with the bottom left GNS3 Host object:


1. Change the hostname from C1 to ASAVM.


2. Change the object symbol.


3. Bind the TAP virtual network device(s) to the GNS3 Host object.


Repeat the previous steps for each of the remaining GNS3 Host objects by matching the specific object attributes with the network diagram.

1.2 Add a link between each of the devices
The GNS3 Host objects will be using their specific TAP interface(s) to connect to the Ethernet switches. In an upcoming section, you will understand why the TAP interface is such a vital component for GNS3 and VMware Fusion integration. 
We can verify all six TAP interfaces are available by running the following command from the terminal:

$ for i in {0..5}; do ifconfig tap$i; done

2. VMware Fusion
The R1 device and the Ethernet switches are ready, from the perspective of GNS3 (Dynamips) connectivity, so we will zero in on creating the VMware virtual machines and their associated vmnets.

2.1 Virtual Network Switches
Our lab configuration will use host-only network switches. A host-only network (switch) is a network that is completely contained within the host computer. Host-only networking provides a network connection between the virtual machine and the host system by using a virtual network adapter that is visible on the host operating system. As the network diagram shows, we will be usingvmnet10 thru vmnet15.

Add a virtual switch with the following steps:

1. Open the Preferences window for VMware Fusion Professional.

2. Select the Network tab.

3. Click the + symbol to add a new virtual switch. As the following screenshot shows, we will leave the Allow virtual machines on this network to connect to external networks (using NAT) and Provide addresses on this network via DHCPoptions unchecked to create the host-only virtual switch (vmnet).

4. Click the Apply button to save the setting.


Close the Preferences window when you're finished creating the virtual switches. 
We can verify the virtual switches have been created by running this command from the terminal:

$ for i in {10..15}; do ifconfig vmnet$i; done

2.2 Juniper Networks VSRX (Firefly Perimeter)
Import the VMware virtual appliance with the following steps:

1. Click File -> Import... from the VMware Fusion menu bar.

2. Click the Choose File... button.

3. Navigate to and select the junos-vsrx-12.1X46-D10.2-domestic.ova file.

4. Click the Open button.

5. Click the Continue button.

6. Rename the package to VSRX.

7. Click the Save button to save the virtual machine in the default Virtual Machines folder.

8. Click the Accept button for the license agreement.

9. Click the Customize Settings button to change the network configuration.

By default, both the virtual network adapters are configured for Bridged Networking. We need to change them to use the virtual switches we created earlier.

1. Click the Network Adapter menu item.

2. Click the vmnet13 radio button.

3. Click the Show All button to return to the virtual machine settings menu.

4. Click the Network Adapter 2 menu item.

5. Click the vmnet14 radio button.

6. Click the Show All button to return to the virtual machine settings menu.

7. Close the settings window.

Directly edit the VSRX.vmx (virtual machine configuration) file to add the custom virtual serial port. My VSRX virtual machine is located in the default VMware Fusion folder (directory), so I would edit the file with the following command from the terminal:

$ nano $HOME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/VSRX.vmwarevm/VSRX.vmx

The virtual serial port has to be created for console port access. This is very similar to how we interface with our virtual routers in GNS3 (Dynamips). Add the following statements to the end of the VSRX.vmx file to create a virtual serial port that will allow us to emulate a console port connection via telnet:

serial0.present = "TRUE"

serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = "TRUE"

serial0.fileType = "network"

serial0.fileName = "telnet://"

We are finished configuring the .vmx file, so let's save (control + o) the file, press the enter key to confirm, then exit (control + x) the nano text editor. 
Run the following command to verify the configuration from the terminal:

$ grep serial $HOME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/VSRX.vmwarevm/VSRX.vmx

serial0.present = "TRUE"

serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = "TRUE"

serial0.fileType = "network"

serial0.fileName = telnet://

2.3 Cisco CSR1000V
The Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) import process and network configuration is essentially the same as the VSRX. 
Import the VMware virtual appliance with the following steps:

1. Click File -> Import... from the VMware Fusion menu bar.

2. Click the Choose File... button.

3. Navigate to and select the csr1000v-universalk9.03.11.00.S.154-1.S-std-C1-M2560-N3-DS8.ova file.

4. Click the Open button.

5. Click the Continue button.

6. Rename the package to CSR1000V.

7. Click the Save button to save the virtual machine in the default Virtual Machines folder.

8. Click the Customize Settings button to change the network configuration.

By default, all three of the virtual network adapters are configured for Bridged Networking. We need to change them to use the virtual switches we created earlier. We will only use the first two network adapters in our topology. Network Adapter 3 can be attached to the default host-only network (Private to my Mac).

1. Click the Network Adapter menu item.

2. Click the vmnet11 radio button.

3. Click the Show All button to return to the virtual machine settings menu.

4. Click the Network Adapter 2 menu item.

5. Click the vmnet12 radio button.

6. Click the Show All button to return to the virtual machine settings menu.

7. Click the Network Adapter 3 menu item.

8. Click the Private to my Mac radio button.

9. Click the Show All button to return to the virtual machine settings menu.

10. Close the settings window.

Just like for the VSRX, directly edit the CSR1000V.vmx (virtual machine configuration) file to add the custom virtual serial port. My CSR1000V virtual machine is located in the default VMware Fusion folder (directory), so I would edit the file with the following command from the terminal:

$ nano $HOME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/CSR1000V.vmwarevm/CSR1000V.vmx

Add the following statements to the end of the CSR1000V.vmx file to create a virtual serial port that will allow us to emulate a console port connection via telnet:

serial0.present = "TRUE"

serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = "TRUE"

serial0.fileType = "network"

serial0.fileName = "telnet://"

We are finished configuring the .vmx file, so let's save (control + o) the file, press the enter key to confirm, then exit (control + x) the nano text editor. 
Run the following command to verify the configuration from the terminal:

$ grep serial $HOME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/CSR1000V.vmwarevm/CSR1000V.vmx

serial0.present = "TRUE"

serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = "TRUE"

serial0.fileType = "network"

serial0.fileName = telnet://

2.4 Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA)
Refer to my previous post on how to create a Cisco ASA virtual machine in VMware Fusion. For our topology, the outside logical interface will be Network Adapter, and the inside logical interface will be Network Adapter 2 (attached to vmnet10). The outsidelogical interface will be using Bridged Networking because it's the interface that connects our virtual network to the physical world. For my setup, Ethernet 1 is the wired Ethernet network interface on my Mac that has access to the Internet.


Important: Quit (and reopen) the VMware Fusion application for the .vmx file changes to take effect. 
3. Basic Device Configuration
With the GNS3 and VMware sections complete, it's time to focus on each device configuration. I will start with the innermost network device and verify adjacent connections along the path to the ASAVM.

3.1 VSRX
The SRX is typically deployed as a network security device, but it will perform solely as a router in our lab. It runs Junos, so it has the potential to function with practically any network role we would need. 
Start VSRX in VMware Fusion, and establish a console port connection to the VSRX device via telnet. Run this command from a new terminal window (tab):

$ telnet 52151

Log in as root with no password.

Amnesiac (ttyd0)

login: root

Start the CLI.

root@% cli

Show version information. 

root> show version

Model: firefly-perimeter

JUNOS Software Release [12.1X46-D10.2]

Enter configuration mode. 

root> configure

Set the root authentication password with a cleartext password.


root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password

New password: Pa$$worD1

Retype new password: Pa$$worD1

Set the hostname. 


root# set system host-name vsrx

Configure the network interfaces.


root# set int ge-0/0/0.0 family inet addr


root# set int ge-0/0/1.0 family inet addr

Remove the ge-0/0/0 interface from the untrust security zone. ge-0/0/0 is a management interface by default, but it will be used as a traffic interface in our topology.

root# delete security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/0.0

Assign the interfaces to the trust security zone. 

root# edit security zones security-zone trust

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root# set interfaces ge-0/0/0

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root# set interfaces ge-0/0/1

Configure the trust zone to support inbound traffic for the ping system service. 

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root# set host-inbound-traffic system-services ping

Check correctness of syntax for current set of changes.

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root# commit check

configuration check succeeds

Commit current set of changes and quit configuration mode. 

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root# commit and-quit

commit complete

Exiting configuration mode

Verify the IP configuration for the network interfaces.

root@vsrx> show interfaces ge* terse

Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote

ge-0/0/0 up up

ge-0/0/0.0 up up inet

ge-0/0/1 up up

ge-0/0/1.0 up up inet

From the viewpoint of the host operating system, we need to "glue" a couple of network interfaces together to create a compoundinterface. If you remember from our initial GNS3 Host object configuration, we attached two TAP interfaces to the VSRX object; interface tap3 for ge-0/0/0 and tap4 for ge-0/0/1. GNS3 uses a TAP interface to pass network traffic to the host operating system.

What about VMware? Virtual network adapters are attached to a host-only vmnet (virtual switch); one (or more) network adapters for the VM and another for the host operating system. 
What we need is a construct to bind a single TAP interface with the VMware virtual network adapter allocated to the host operating system. That construct is a bridge interface. For our purposes, a bridge interface contains both a TAP interface and the VMware virtual network adapter (for the host OS) as members. Essentially, the members of the bridge interface are put into promiscuous mode, so they're able to "see" each other's network traffic.

Clear the IP configuration for the vmnet13 virtual network interface before adding it as a member to the bridge. Run the following commands from a separate terminal window (tab):

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet13 down

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet13 inet delete

Create a bridge interface for ge-0/0/0 with the following commands from the terminal:

$ sudo ifconfig bridge3 create

$ sudo ifconfig bridge3 addm tap3

$ sudo ifconfig bridge3 addm vmnet13

$ sudo ifconfig bridge3 up

Verify the configuration with the following command from the terminal: 

$ ifconfig bridge3



ether 02:1f:5b:a3:f3:03


id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 hellotime 0 fwddelay 0

maxage 0 holdcnt 0 proto stp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200

root id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0

ipfilter disabled flags 0x2

member: tap3 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>

ifmaxaddr 0 port 14 priority 0 path cost 0

member: vmnet13 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>

ifmaxaddr 0 port 28 priority 0 path cost 0

Address cache:

0:c:29:b4:c9:e4 Vlan1 vmnet13 1196 flags=0<>

c2:0:2c:1c:0:1 Vlan1 tap3 1190 flags=0<>

media: <unknown type>

status: inactive

Clear the IP configuration for the vmnet14 virtual network interface before adding it as a member to the bridge. Run the following commands from the terminal:

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet14 down

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet14 inet delete

And create a bridge interface for ge-0/0/1 with the following commands from the terminal:

$ sudo ifconfig bridge4 create

$ sudo ifconfig bridge4 addm tap4

$ sudo ifconfig bridge4 addm vmnet14

$ sudo ifconfig bridge4 up

3.2 R1
Start R1 in GNS3. Identify the console port number for R1 in the GNS3 management console with the list R1 command.


Establish a console port connection to the R1 device via telnet. Run this command from a new terminal window (tab):

$ telnet 2101

Configure the Fast Ethernet interfaces and bring them up. 

R1# conf t

R1(config)# int f0/0

R1(config-if)# ip addr

R1(config-if)# duplex full

R1(config-if)# speed 100

R1(config-if)# no shut

R1(config-if)# int f0/1

R1(config-if)# ip addr

R1(config-if)# duplex full

R1(config-if)# speed 100

R1(config-if)# no shut

R1(config-if)# end

Save the running configuration to local NVRAM. 

R1# copy run start

Verify network connectivity to the ge-0/0/0 interface of VSRX. 

R1# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 8/22/52 ms

Display the ARP cache. 

R1# sh arp

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface

Internet - c200.b04b.0000 ARPA FastEthernet0/0

Internet - c200.b04b.0001 ARPA FastEthernet0/1

Internet 0 000c.29b4.c9e4 ARPA FastEthernet0/1

3.3 CSR1000V
Start CSR1000V in VMware Fusion. Select CSR 1000V Serial Console at the GRUB menu.


Establish a console port connection to the CSR1000V device via telnet. Run this command from a new terminal window (tab):

$ telnet 52152

Enter “no” to bypass the setup command facility.


cisco CSR1000V (VXE) processor with 814729K/6147K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID 9LX4G1A6QS5

3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

3145728K bytes of physical memory.

7774207K bytes of virtual hard disk at bootflash:.

--- System Configuration Dialog ---

Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no

Change the technology package license boot level, and reload for the configuration to take effect.

Router> en

Router# conf t

Router(config)# license boot level premium

Router(config)# end

Router# copy run start

Router# reload

Verify the license. 

Router> en

Router# sh license | in Type

License Type: Evaluation

Router# sh license | in Period

Period left: 8 weeks 3 days

Show the current maximum throughput level.

Router# show platform hardware throughput level

The current throughput level is 50000 kb/s

Set the hostname. 

Router# conf t

Router(config)# hostname csr1000v

Set lab options.

csr1000v(config)# no ip domain-lookup

csr1000v(config)# line con 0

csr1000v(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0

csr1000v(config-line)# logging sync

csr1000v(config-line)# end

We can display the interface mapping with the following command:

csr1000v# show platform software vnic-if interface-mapping


Interface Name Driver Name Mac Addr


GigabitEthernet3 vmxnet3 000c.29cb.09b2

GigabitEthernet2 vmxnet3 000c.29cb.09a8

GigabitEthernet1 vmxnet3 000c.29cb.099e


From a separate terminal window (tab), run the following command to verify the CSR1000V virtual machine configuration vNIC order is correct for our topology:

$ grep 00:0c $HOME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/CSR1000V.vmwarevm/CSR1000V.vmx

ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:cb:09:9e"

ethernet1.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:cb:09:a8"

ethernet2.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:cb:09:b2"

Back in the CSR1000V terminal window (tab), configure the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces and bring them up.

csr1000v# conf t

csr1000v(config)# int g1

csr1000v(config-if)# ip addr

csr1000v(config-if)# no shut

csr1000v(config-if)# int g2

csr1000v(config-if)# ip addr

csr1000v(config-if)# no shut

csr1000v(config-if)# exit

Enable Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).

csr1000v(config)# cdp run

csr1000v(config)# int g2

csr1000v(config-if)# cdp enable

csr1000v(config-if)# end

Save the running configuration to local NVRAM.

csr1000v# copy run start

Clear the IP configuration for the vmnet12 virtual network interface before adding it as a member to the bridge. Run the following commands from a separate terminal window (tab):

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet12 down

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet12 inet delete

Create a bridge interface for Gi2 with the following commands from the terminal:

$ sudo ifconfig bridge2 create

$ sudo ifconfig bridge2 addm tap2

$ sudo ifconfig bridge2 addm vmnet12

$ sudo ifconfig bridge2 up

Clear the IP configuration for the vmnet11 virtual network interface before adding it as a member to the bridge. Run the following commands from the terminal:

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet11 down

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet11 inet delete

And create a bridge interface for Gi1 from the terminal.

$ sudo ifconfig bridge1 create

$ sudo ifconfig bridge1 addm tap1

$ sudo ifconfig bridge1 addm vmnet11

$ sudo ifconfig bridge1 up

Back in the CSR1000V terminal window (tab), run the following command to verify data link layer connectivity with R1:

csr1000v# sh cdp neigh detail


Device ID: R1

Entry address(es):

IP address:

Platform: Cisco 3725, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP

Interface: GigabitEthernet2, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/0

Holdtime : 121 sec

Version :

Cisco IOS Software, 3700 Software (C3725-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(15)T10, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)

Technical Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Mon 14-Sep-09 15:53 by prod_rel_team

advertisement version: 2

VTP Management Domain: ''

Duplex: full

Total cdp entries displayed : 1

Start ASAVM in VMware Fusion, and establish a console port connection to the ASAVM device via telnet. Run this command from a new terminal window (tab):

$ telnet 52150

Set the hostname.

ciscoasa> en


ciscoasa# conf t

ciscoasa(config)# hostname asavm

Configure the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces and bring them up. 

asavm(config)# int g0

asavm(config-if)# nameif outside

INFO: Security level for "outside" set to 0 by default.

asavm(config-if)# ip addr

asavm(config-if)# no shut

asavm(config-if)# int g1

asavm(config-if)# nameif inside

INFO: Security level for "inside" set to 100 by default.

asavm(config-if)# ip addr

asavm(config-if)# no shut

asavm(config-if)# exit

Create a network object for the inside security zone, and enable dynamic Port Address Translation (PAT).

asavm(config)# object network OBJ-INSIDE

asavm(config-network-object)# subnet 0 0

asavm(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface

asavm(config-network-object)# exit

Create the default route. For my configuration, the next hop IP address is my physical router's private IP address NAT'd to the Internet. It's also the gateway IP address for the host computer.

asavm(config)# route outside 0 0

Permit ping and traceroute traffic.

asavm(config)# access-list outside_access_in extended permit icmp any any time-exceeded

asavm(config)# access-list outside_access_in extended permit icmp any any unreachable

asavm(config)# access-group outside_access_in in interface outside

asavm(config)# fixup protocol icmp

INFO: converting 'fixup protocol icmp ' to MPF commands

asavm(config)# icmp unreachable rate-limit 10 burst-size 5

asavm(config)# policy-map global_policy

asavm(config-pmap)# class class-default

asavm(config-pmap-c)# set connection decrement-ttl

asavm(config-pmap-c)# end

Save the running configuration to local NVRAM.

asavm# copy run start

Clear the IP configuration for the vmnet10 virtual network interface before adding it as a member to the bridge. Run the following commands from a separate terminal window (tab):

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet10 down

$ sudo ifconfig vmnet10 inet delete

Create a bridge interface for Gi1 with the following commands from the terminal:

$ sudo ifconfig bridge0 create

$ sudo ifconfig bridge0 addm tap0

$ sudo ifconfig bridge0 addm vmnet10

$ sudo ifconfig bridge0 up

Back in the ASAVM terminal window (tab), check network connectivity to the Gi1 interface of CSR1000V.

asavm# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms

And check network connectivity to the next hop IP address for the default route.

asavm# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms

Display the ARP cache.

asavm# sh arp

outside 000c.41d6.9928 1

inside 000c.29cb.099e 28

After we've established (and verified) network connectivity among the adjacent devices, we need to configure OSPF for full reachability.

4.1 VSRX
From the VSRX terminal window (tab): 
Enter configuration mode.

root@vsrx> configure

Allow OSPF traffic for the trust zone.


root@vsrx# edit security zones security-zone trust

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root@vsrx# set host-inbound-traffic protocols ospf

Configure the loopback interface.

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root@vsrx# top set interfaces lo0.0 family inet address

Set the Router ID. 

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root@vsrx# top set routing-options router-id

Configure OSPF. 

[edit security zones security-zone trust]

root@vsrx# top edit protocols

[edit protocols]

root@vsrx# set ospf area 1 interface lo0.0 passive

[edit protocols]

root@vsrx# set ospf area 1 interface ge-0/0/0.0

[edit protocols]

root@vsrx# set ospf area 1 interface ge-0/0/1.0 passive

Check correctness of syntax for current set of changes.

[edit protocols]

root@vsrx# commit check

configuration check succeeds

Commit current set of changes and quit configuration mode. 

[edit protocols]

root@vsrx# commit and-quit

commit complete

Exiting configuration mode

Verify OSPF configuration.

root@vsrx> show ospf overview

Instance: master

Router ID:

Route table index: 0

LSA refresh time: 50 minutes


Stub type: Not Stub

Authentication Type: None

Area border routers: 0, AS boundary routers: 0


Up (in full state): 0

Topology: default (ID 0)

Prefix export count: 0

Full SPF runs: 3

SPF delay: 0.200000 sec, SPF holddown: 5 sec, SPF rapid runs: 3

Backup SPF: Not Needed

4.2 R1
R1 will be configured as an Area Border Router (ABR). From the R1 terminal window (tab): 
Configure the loopback interface.

R1# conf t

R1(config)# int lo0

R1(config-if)# ip addr

R1(config-if)# exit

Configure OSPF.

R1(config)# router ospf 1

R1(config-router)# passive-interface lo0

R1(config-router)# log-adjacency-changes

R1(config-router)# exit

R1(config)# int lo0

R1(config-if)# ip ospf 1 area 0

R1(config-if)# int f0/0

R1(config-if)# ip ospf 1 area 0

R1(config-if)# int f0/1

R1(config-if)# ip ospf 1 area 1

R1(config-if)# end

Save the running configuration to local NVRAM. 

R1# copy run start

Verify VSRX as an OSPF neighbor.

Taken From:

Monday, February 20, 2012

GNS3 - PIX Firewall Emulation

PIX Firewall Emulation

GNS3 is also capable of emulating PIX firewalls. Once again, you’ll need to provide your own PIX image. If you want to run more than a restricted license, you’ll also need to have a valid serial number and activation keys.

Configuring Qemuwrapper and Cisco PIX image

First, go to Preferences on the Edit menu in GNS3. Click on Qemu in the left pane. The default path to the Qemuwrapper should be fine. You may want to specify a different working directory. Note that Qemuwrapper is shipped with a compiled version of Pemu, therefore you do not need Qemu to emulate PIX.

On PIX tab, use the button next to Binary image to specify the location of your PIX operating system image. You may also change other settings like RAM or the number of interfaces. Once you are finished with the settings, click on Save.


You may use the default Key and Serial number, if necessary. This will provide a restricted license with limited features. You will need a valid serial number and activation keys to access additional features. The graphic below on the left is a restricted image. Failover, VPN-DES, and VPN-3DES-AES are disabled. You are also limited to 6 physical interfaces and 25 VLANs. The graphic below on the right is unrestricted. With an unrestricted license, these features are enabled along with support for additional interfaces and VLANs.


If you have a serial number and valid activation keys, you may move from a restricted license to an unrestricted license. Type in the activation keys separated by commas with no spaces. Use all lower case. Be sure your serial number is converted to hexadecimal. It is usually in decimal in a show version command. Use a calculator to convert from decimal to hexadecimal if necessary.

Using Cisco PIX

Click OK to return to the GNS3 main interface. Drag a PIX firewall icon from the Nodes Types pane into the workspace. Right-click FW1 and choose Start, then right-click on FW1 again and choose Console.

Once you console into your PIX firewall, issue a show version command. If the activation keys do not show up properly, then issue the following command from privileged mode (enable mode):

pixfirewall# activation-key 0x12345678 0x12345678 0x12345678 0x12345678


The command is issued on one line with spaces between the activation keys. Save the configuration using either the write command orcopy run start. Stop the device and restart it. Congratulations! Your PIX firewall is up and running.

Interfaces on the PIX are Ethernet interfaces. To connect to other devices, you’ll need to use either Ethernet or FastEthernet interfaces. You may not connect to a serial interface.

You may connect to other PIX firewalls, routers, and switches. You may not connect to a cloud. Consequently, to connect to a real network or to a Virtual PC, you’ll need to connect from the PIX to a switch, and then from the switch to your Cloud.

CPU usage with PIX

Just as with routers, CPU usage is an issue when emulating PIX firewalls on your computer. You will note that your CPU usage is most likely 100%. There are no idle-pc values available for PIX firewalls at this time. Instead, you may use third-party software to control your CPU usage. There are a variety of products on the market. The one that I use for Windows is called BES and is a free download.

Complete documentation is available on the Web site along with the program download. Once you start your PIX firewall, start BES. Click the Target button. Choose the pemu.exe process and click the Limit this button. A confirmation screen will appear.

Click the Control button to control how much CPU limiting will be used. I’ve set mine to reduce CPU usage by 50%. If you are running multiple firewalls, you will want to limit each one. This program may also limit other processes running on your Windows computer.


For Linux, use cpulimit. You may learn more about cpulimit at the following Web site: On ubuntu you can use Synaptic Package Manager or Ubuntu Software Centre to download and install cpulimit.

To run cpulimit, press F2 while holding the ALT key down (ALT+F2) in Ubuntu to open a Run Application box. Type the following in the box:

cpulimit –e pemu –l 40


This will limit the application pemu to 40% CPU usage.

Still in your Ubuntu, choose System Monitor under Administration on the System menu. Click the Resources tab. You should see that pemu process is running at 40% of your CPU usage.

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