Friday, January 27, 2012

Getting Started with Arduino


This article is a bit different from my usual column in two ways. First, it's starting with a hardware and software combo—something I've not done before. Second, the projects are linked to each other and come recommended to me by Perth LUG member, Simon Newton.
Given the mostly hardware-based information for the project, here are some carefully selected bits of information from the Web site:

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.

Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language and the Arduino development environment. Arduino projects can be standalone or they can communicate with software running on a computer.

The open-source Arduino environment makes it easy to write code and upload it to the I/O board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The environment is written in Java and based on Processing, avr-gcc and other open source-software.

clip_image003Arduino: this hardware/software combo allows you to program chips and test them on the fly—a real advantage of open hardware.clip_image004One of the wacky creations possible with Arduino, this spider-like robot is made by Curtin University student, Phillip Lawrence.

For those who are happy with a binary, the Web site makes things very easy with 32- and 64-bit binary tarballs at the download page, and if you're lucky, the Arduino IDE may even be in your repository. If you're going with the binary tarball, just download the latest from the Web site, extract it, and open a terminal in the folder. To run the program, enter the command:

$ ./arduino

If you're running from source instead, instructions are available on the Web site with a link from the Downloads page, although I don't have the space here to cover its somewhat unusual installer method. Nevertheless, it does recommend a series of packages that should help troubleshoot mishaps with both the source and binary tarballs. The Web site says you need the following: Sun Java SDK, avr-gcc, avr-g++, avr-libc, make, ant and git.

If you have a local repository version installed, chances are the program can be started with this command:

$ arduino

Under my Kubuntu installation, the Arduino IDE was available in the KDE menu under Applications→Electronics→Arduino IDE.
However, I must stop you here before actually running the program, and I apologize if I led you astray in the last few paragraphs (don't worry if you've already started it, you can close and re-open it with no worries). Obviously, before you can do anything with an Arduino board and the software, you first have to plug in your Arduino device. This will help in the configuration of your hardware, especially if you're using a USB connection.
Once that's out of the way, you now can start the program with any of the methods above.

With the program running and the device plugged in, let's set it up. Inside the main window, click on the Tools menu and navigate your way to the Board menu. From there, choose your Arduino device (I had the Arduino Uno). Now you have to choose your serial port, which is under Tools→Serial Port. If you had a USB device and the program found it, a USB option should appear here (in my case, /dev/ttyUSB0).
With all of that boring stuff out of the way, I'm sure you're keen to sink your teeth into this hardware/software combo. The IDE makes things simple with a series of examples in an easy-access menu. Look under File→Examples, and check out the impressive list of examples from which to choose. I recommend starting with Blink under the 1.Basics menu.

With Blink, you can start with the most basic of basics and come to grasp the syntax with well laid out code with documentation for each line. To try out this code, click Upload, which is the sixth button along in the blue menu, with the right-facing arrow. If all goes well, you should see your device start blinking from an LED, perhaps with a board reset in the process.

If your board has an enabled reset facility like the Uno I was using, you should be able to make code changes by uploading them, watching the board next to you reset and start again with the new program. In fact, I recommend you try it now. Change one of the lines, perhaps one of the lines dealing with the delay time, and then upload it again. Now this may seem lame, but to a hardware "n00b" like myself, changing around the program and updating the running hardware in a visible way was quite a buzz!

If you want to check out your code before uploading it, the start and stop buttons are for verifying the code, with the stop button obviously allowing you to cancel any compiling partway through. Although I'm running out of space for the software side, I recommend checking out more of the examples in the code, where genuinely real-world uses are available. Some highlights include ChatServer, "a simple server that distributes any incoming messages to all connected clients"; a reader for barometric pressure sensors; and a program for demonstrating and controlling sprite animations.

However, I've been neglecting one of Arduino's real bonuses, and that is the ability to use a board to program any number of chips, remove them from the main Arduino board, and use them to run external devices. The nature of open hardware really makes this a robotic enthusiast's wet dream, with examples like my close mate Phil's robotic spider showing some of the cool things you can achieve with this suite.
Nevertheless, I do have one specific use of Arduino in mind to tie this column together, and that is Simon Newton's Arduino RGB Mixer: a six channel color mixer that interfaces with OLA. Check out the following link for instructions on how to make this simple device that shows off both of these projects at the same time:

Simon Newton's RGB Mixer is a great way to use both Arduino and OLA together.Read more at:

Getting Started – The Basics
This example contains the bare minimum of code you need for an Arduino sketch to compile: the setup() method and the loop()method.

Hardware Required
Arduino Board

Only your Arduino Board is needed for this example.
image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page

The setup() function is called when a sketch starts. Use it to initialize variables, pin modes, start using libraries, etc. The setup function will only run once, after each powerup or reset of the Arduino board.
After creating a setup() function, the loop() function does precisely what its name suggests, and loops consecutively, allowing your program to change and respond as it runs. Code in the loop() section of your sketch is used to actively control the Arduino board.
The code below won't actually do anything, but it's structure is useful for copying and pasting to get you started on any sketch of your own. It also shows you how to make comments in your code.
Any line that starts with two slashes (//) will not be read by the compiler, so you can write anything you want after it. Commenting your code like this can be particularly helpful in explaining, both to yourself and others, how your program functions step by step.

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Getting Started – Hello World (Blink)
This example shows the simplest thing you can do with an Arduino to see physical output: it blinks an LED.

Hardware Required
· Arduino Board

To build the circuit, attach a 220-ohm resistor to pin 13. Then attach the long leg of an LED (the positive leg, called the anode) to the resistor. Attach the short leg (the negative leg, called the cathode) to ground. Then plug your Arduino board into your computer, start the Arduino program, and enter the code below.
Most Arduino boards already have an LED attached to pin 13 on the board itself. If you run this example with no hardware attached, you should see that LED blink.
click the image to enlarge
image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page
click the image to enlarge
In the program below, the first thing you do is to initialize pin 13 as an output pin with the line
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

In the main loop, you turn the LED on with the line:
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

This supplies 5 volts to pin 13. That creates a voltage difference across the pins of the LED, and lights it up. Then you turn it off with the line:
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

That takes pin 13 back to 0 volts, and turns the LED off. In between the on and the off, you want enough time for a person to see the change, so the delay() commands tell the Arduino to do nothing for 1000 milliseconds, or one second. When you use the delay() command, nothing else happens for that amount of time. Once you've understood the basic examples, check out the BlinkWithoutDelay example to learn how to create a delay while doing other things.
Once you've understood this example, check out the DigitalReadSerial example to learn how read a switch connected to the Arduino.

  Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.
  This example code is in the public domain.

void setup() {                
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards:
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);     

void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   // set the LED on
delay(1000);              // wait for a second
digitalWrite(13, LOW);    // set the LED off
delay(1000);              // wait for a second

See Also
  • DigitalReadSerial: Read a switch, print the state out to the Arduino Serial Monitor.
  • AnalogReadSerial: Read a potentiometer, print it's state out to the Arduino Serial Monitor.
  • Fade: Demonstrates the use of analog output to fade an LED.

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Plop – Boot USB Disks on Old Hardware and VMware

Using Plop Boot Manager for USB Boot

For PLOP USB Disks Booting on VMWARE check this post:


Portability is a huge advantage that Linux enjoys over most other desktop operating systems as most major distros work very well when installed to a flash drive. However, there are still machines in service that just won't play ball when it comes to USB booting. Fortunately, I found a nice little utility that can work around this problem.

Carrying data around on a flash drive is handy, but with Linux, it's possible to carry around an entire work environment. Unfortunately, however, there are some older systems that won't boot from USB. For example, I have a Sempron 3000+ system with 2GB of RAM that won't boot from USB, even though it's a usable system for some things. If the BIOS doesn't support booting from a flash drive, there's not much that GRUB can do as it doesn't contain any drivers and relies on the BIOS to find bootable media.

Plop Boot Manager aims to overcome these limitations. Like most boot managers, it presents a selection menu to choose the boot partition when the machine first starts up. As it contains its own USB drivers, you can use it to convince older hardware to boot from a device such as a flash drive. It's a quite a flexible piece of software. For example, you can set it up to be loaded by GRUB or the Windows boot loader menu or even something more exotic such as loading Plop from from a floppy disk drive in order to initiate a network boot. In this example, I'll just be documenting one single use case in which I used it to enable an older machine to boot from a USB drive.

Standard disclaimer: If you're carrying out a job like this, a single mistake or one bug in the software can easily wipe the contents of the entire disk. Back up valuable data.

In this case, I installed it to the MBR (Master Boot Record) as this is the simplest option. A word of warning here: when installed to the MBR, it will overwrite an existing GRUB installation if it too was placed in the MBR. As Plop isn't a Linux loader, this means that Linux will no longer work. In other words, you will have to reinstall GRUB onto the Linux boot partition itself, if you don't already have it working like that. There might be a slight problem here as USB keyboards wont work until the operating system itself has booted. This means that you can't actually select anything from the Grub menu if you are using a USB keyboard, which should’t be a huge problem for most uses. Obviously, Plop Boot Manager can select between operating systems. An existing Windows installation should continue to work without modification.


Within the archive, there are a few directories with the files needed for different types of installation. In this case I took the ISO installer image (all 480k of it) and burnt it to a CDR. As I said, if this isn't an option with the machine that you're working with, you can install from within an operating system that is already running on the computer. As with all of the system, the installer uses a flashy mixture of text mode and graphics. It's a simple system and it installs very quickly.

Rebooting, you're presented with the installer itself with options for booting from different types of media. As hoped, this allowed me to boot Xubuntu from the USB flash drive. One limitation of the program is that it can't handle booting from USB DVD/CDROM drives which is a shame. It's an interactive boot manager and you can reconfigure it on the fly to change things like appearance and default boot options.

Plop Boot Manager is a versatile piece of software. Risking the ire of Linux graybeards by saying it, I've often wished that more Linux distros made use of something a bit friendlier than the perennial GRUB. If you work with a lot of older hardware and would like to boot from a memory stick, the the ISO version of the boot loader on a CDR might be worth adding to your bag of tricks.

I've only scratched the surface of what Plop can do. Hit the docs for a full feature list.


UK based freelance writer Michael Reed writes about technology, retro computing, geek culture and gender politics.

Taken From:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Install Android Applications on SD Cards (from Android1.6 and above)

The biggest advantage that Link2SD offers, in my opinion, is the possibility to be used in android versions as low as 1.6 to the higher versions above like 2.1 an so on, where the popular App2SD, can only be used starting at android 2.2.
Link2SD Guide and Usage Tutorial
Hello all,
As you know most of the android phone owner are getting hard time to manage internal phone space and so everyone are looking for some kind of apps that able to move apps and their data to SD card storage. Link2SD is one of that app and used by most of us atleast once. But some folks out there still having trouble to setup Link2SD and related partitioning procedure for SD Card. Hope this guide and usage tutorial helpful to everyone. Feel free to leave questions or any comments on comment section(very bottom).
1. Install “Link2SD” from market. Here is link: Once you install you see the icon as below image. Tap on that. It will load all apps in there and eventually will show the error message as shown in 2nd image. But don’t worry, that’s part of setup too. This error comes because your SD card is still not formatted (that’s i’m assuming clip_image001 )
2. Now download EASEUS Partition Masters. It’s Free. (Everyone has different selection for partitioning purpose, but in this tutorial i’ll go thru this tool.)
Here is link:
- Before starting plug your phone using USB to PC and “Turn on USB Mode” from your phone to get SD card access in PC.
- After that , run EASEUS from PC. You will see your SD Card partitions.
- Follow next step as shown in screenshot (below).
3. Follow next step as shown in screenshot (below).
4. As shown below, move the dot to left side according to your require partition size. Once you do that, this partition will be called “Unallocated” because we haven’t formatted yet. We’ll do in next step. (Note: this is the partition in which your apps will move or linked).
5. After performing above step, it will show warning message as shown below. Just click YES. clip_image001[1]
6. Now we will define format method for unallocated partition. As shown screenshot follow the options and then click OK.
7. Now we are going to apply our settings for SD card. Click on “Apply” and proceed ahead. It will create partition on SD card (i.e. 200MB- Ext2. )
8. Unplug your phone from PC. PLEASE RESTART YOUR PHONE NOW.
After reboot, Go to Link2SD app. As it will start, you will see the message as shown in screenshot. Basically it mount script on SD card and it will run on next reboot and mount the partition that we have created.  Go ahead press OK, it will restart your phone.
9. After reboot, open Link2SD. It will pop up 4 options for you. Select ONLY that partition that you have created using EASEUS. (i.e select ext2, as we have cerated ext2 partition using EASEUS)clip_image021
10. After that you ready to go. Click on any apps that you want to link to SD –> Click on “Create Link” option –>Check mark all the boxes (it’ll pop up menu to ask which data files you want to move. Select all) and press OK.
It will move that app to SD and as shown below ,it’ll show red text at the bottom of app if its linked successfully.
11. Let’s have a look to the some features. In last step we have move app and data manually. What about auto move?
Follow screenshot, you  will get it. It will move apps directly to SD card automatically after enabling “Auto Link” option. (Note: Already installed apps won’t move automatically from internal to SD card, you have to do manually for those. This option only effective for next installation of any apps.)

12. Another useful features are shown below.
13. Last but not least, it will give info of Internal storage and SD card partition storage.
14. Hope you have setup Link2SD app successfully. Still if you have any problem, questions or comments, feel free to post it below in comment section. clip_image032
Taken From:

Install Gnome in Ubuntu 11.10 (Unity Desktop)

Here we go again. A new version of Ubuntu is out and if you still don't want to switch from it because of Unity, you are welcome to try and install Gnome. (I didn't try removing or disabling Unity this time, but you are welcome to).
Keep in mind that the new gnome leaves a lot to be desired (like that clock in the middle of the screen) and will take some time to get used to (not as much as Unity though).

1. Open shell and run:

     sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

2. Once installed, you have to reboot.

3. After the reboot, on the login window select Gnome classic


An alternative is XFCE, you can either get XUbuntu or do the following:

     sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

I have done this and it works but Gnome looks like crap, I’m seriously considering switching to another distro like MintLinux. CANONICAL please support GNOME again, Unity is good for tablets, but not for the Desktop, you can put Unity in the netbook version off Ubuntu.

Based on:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Backup a Cisco Config Automatically – Time (Kron Method)

In order to get a router to copy the running-config to startup-config, for example every Sunday at 23:00, complete these steps:

1 - Create a kron policy list—This is the script that lists what commands the router should run at the scheduled time.

Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#kron policy-list Backup
Router(config-kron-policy)#cli show startup-config | redirect tftp://

cli—Specifies EXEC CLI commands within a Command Scheduler policy list.
policy-list—Specifies the policy list associated with a Command Scheduler occurrence.

Note: The reason why write was used rather than copy running-config startup-config is because kron does not support interactive prompts and the copy running-config startup-config command requires interaction. It is important to remember this when you create commands. Also, note that kron does not support configuration commands.

2 - Create a kron occurrence—This informs the router when and how often the policy should run.

Router(config)#kron occurrence SaveConfigSchedule at 23:00 Sun recurring
Router(config-kron-occurrence)#policy-list Backup

SaveConfigSchedule—This is the name of occurrence. Length of occurrence-name is from 1 to 31 characters. If the occurrence-name is new, an occurrence structure will be created. If the occurrence-name is not new, the existing occurrence will be edited.

at—Identifies that the occurrence is to run at a specified calendar date and time.
recurring—Identifies that the occurrence is to run on a recurring basis.

3 - Verify the kron configuration by using the show command.

Router#show kron schedule
Kron Occurrence Schedule
SaveConfigSchedule inactive, will run again in 1 days 12:37:47 at 23:00 on Sun

inactive—Means that kron is not running the command(s) at present.
active—Means that kron is running the current command(s).

Router#show running-configuration
kron occurrence SaveConfigSchedule at 23:00 Sun recurring
policy-list Backup
kron policy-list Backup
cli show startup-config | redirect tftp://

Note: You can use this to schedule other things, just change the the policy-list, to what you want.

Based On

Friday, December 23, 2011

Backup a Cisco Config Automatically – Changes ( Archive Method )

Cisco IOS has the ability to save it’s configuration when you run the write memory command.
Here is how:

R1#configure terminal
R1(config-archive)#path tftp://

The “write-memory” option means that when the running-config is saved to the startup-config a copy will also be saved on the tftp server, thus backing up the startup-config every time it’s changed.

In this example, we’ve configured the switch to save to the configuration file to the sw3725 sub-directory of a ttp server.
To test the setup, run the “write memory” command.

R1#write memory

R1#copy running-config startup-config

Looking on the sw3725 on the tftp server, we see a configuration file was uploaded:


if you save the running-config a couple more times you wil get something like this:


like you see the number at the end of the file name is incremented, every time you save the running-config

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Boot From USB Disk in VMWare Workstation (increase boot screen also)

Increase the VMWare Boot Screen Delay

If you’ve wanted to try out a bootable CD or USB flash drive in a virtual machine environment, you’ve probably noticed that VMWare’s offerings make it difficult to change the boot device. We’ll show you how to change these options.

You can do this either for one boot, or permanently for a particular virtual machine.


Even experienced users of VMWare Player or Workstation may not recognize the screen above – it’s the virtual machine’s BIOS, which in most cases flashes by in the blink of an eye.

If you want to boot up the virtual machine with a CD or USB key instead of the hard drive, then you’ll need more than an eye’s-blink to press Escape and bring up the Boot Menu. Fortunately, there is a way to introduce a boot delay that isn’t exposed in VMWare’s graphical interface – you have to edit the virtual machine’s settings file (a .vmx file) manually.

Editing the Virtual Machine’s .vmx

Find the .vmx file that contains the settings for your virtual machine. You chose a location for this when you created the virtual machine – in Windows, the default location is a folder called My Virtual Machines in your My Documents folder.

In VMWare Workstation, the location of the .vmx file is listed on the virtual machine’s tab.


If in doubt, search your hard drive for .vmx files. If you don’t want to use Windows default search, an awesome utility that locates files instantly is Everything.

Open the .vmx file with any text editor.


Somewhere in this file, enter in the following line… save the file, then close out of the text editor:

bios.bootdelay = 20000


This will introduce a 20 second delay when the virtual machine loads up, giving you plenty of time to press the Escape button and access the boot menu. The number in this line is just a value in milliseconds, so for a five second boot delay, enter 5000, and so on.

Change Boot Options Temporarily

Now, when you boot up your virtual machine, you’ll have plenty of time to enter one of the keystrokes listed at the bottom of the BIOS screen on boot-up.


Press Escape to bring up the Boot Menu. This allows you to select a different device to boot from – like a CD drive.


Your selection will be forgotten the next time you boot up this virtual machine.

Change Boot Options Permanently

When the BIOS screen comes up, press F2 to enter the BIOS Setup menu.


Switch to the Boot tab, and change the ordering of the items by pressing the “+” key to move items up on the list, and the “-” key to move items down the list. We’ve switched the order so that the CD-ROM Drive boots first.


Once you make this change permanent, you may want to re-edit the .vmx file to remove the boot delay.

Boot from a USB Flash Drive

One thing that is noticeably missing from the list of boot options is a USB device. VMWare’s BIOS just does not allow this, but we can get around that limitation using the PLoP Boot Manager that we’ve previously written about. And as a bonus, since everything is virtual anyway, there’s no need to actually burn PLoP to a CD.

Open the settings for the virtual machine you want to boot with a USB drive. Click on Add… at the bottom of the settings screen, and select CD/DVD Drive. Click Next.


Click the Use ISO Image radio button, and click Next.


Browse to find plpbt.iso or plpbtnoemul.iso from the PLoP zip file. Ensure that Connect at power on is checked, and then click Finish.


Click OK on the main Virtual Machine Settings page.


Now, if you use the steps above to boot using that CD/DVD drive, PLoP will load, allowing you to boot from a USB drive!



We’re big fans of VMWare Player and Workstation, as they let us try out a ton of geeky things without worrying about harming our systems. By introducing a boot delay, we can add bootable CDs and USB drives to the list of geeky things we can try out.

Download PLoP Boot Manager

The Plop Boot Manager is a small program with unbelievable many features.

Here is a list of features, but you can do more...

  • USB boot without BIOS support (UHCI, OHCI and EHCI)
  • CD/DVD boot without BIOS support (IDE)
  • PCMCIA CardBus support to enable boot from USB PC-Cards
  • Floppy boot
  • Different profiles for operating systems
  • Define up to 16 partitions
  • No extra partition for the boot manager
  • Hidden boot, maybe you have a rescue system installed and the user should not see that there is another system installed
  • Boot countdown
  • Hide partitions
  • Password protection for the computer and the boot manager setup
  • Backup of partition table data
  • Textmode user interface 80x50
  • Graphical user interface 640x480, 800x600, 1024x786, 1280x1024
  • MBR partition table edit
  • Start of the boot manager from harddisk, floppy, USB, CD, DVD
  • Starting from Windows boot menu
  • Starting from LILO, GRUB, Syslinux, Isolinux, Pxelinux (network)
  • It can be used as PCI option ROM in your BIOS
  • Access the whole USB hard disk (up to 2TB) even when the bios has a 128 GiB limit
  • You can run the boot manager over the network
  • Start the networkcard bootrom from the boot manager to boot from the network

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