Friday, February 7, 2014

Sainsmart 2-Channel 5V Relay - Arduino / Raspberry Pi



The Arduino Relay module allows a wide range of microcontroller such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, AVR ,PIC, ARM with digital outputs to control larger loads and devices like AC or DC Motors, electromagnets, solenoids, and incandescent light bulbs. This module is designed to be integrated with 2 relays that it is capable of control 2 relays.The relay shield use one QIANJI JQC-3F high-quality relay with rated load 7A/240VAC,10A/125VAC,10A/28VDC.The relay output state is individually indicated by a light-emitting diode.


  • Model: SRD-05VDC-SL-C
  • Number of Relays: 2
  • Control signal: TTL level
  • Rated load: 7A/240VAC 10A/125VAC 10A/28VDC
  • Contact action time: 10ms/5ms

Pin definition


  • COM - Common pin: This is source pin, that starts connected to NC, and connects to NO when you apply 0v / GND (active low)
  • NC (Normally Closed): in which case NC is connected with COM when INT1 is set low and disconnected when INT1 is high;
  • NO (Normally Open): in which case NO is disconnected with COM1 when INT1 is set low and connected when INT1 is high.
  • INT 1- Relay 1 control port: changes from the COM–>NO to the COM–>NC when you apply 0v / GND (active low)
  • INT 2- Relay 2 control port: changes from the COM à NO to the COM à NC when you apply 0v / GND (active low)

Video Explaination

Usage with Arduino


Example Code

int Relay = 12;

void setup()
    pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT); //Set Pin12 as output

void loop()
    digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH); //Turn off relay
    digitalWrite(Relay, LOW); //Turn on relay


How to buy


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